Powell, Herbert Henry

Hebert Henry Powell

Born Hull, 13/02/1885. Son of Richard Walter Powell (1862-1918) and Elizabeth Missin (1866-1885). On of eight children.

A sailor and Trawler Fisherman. He also worked as a tugman for the North Eastern railways. Described as 5 foot, 2.5 inches tall, 33-35 inch chest, dark complexion, grey eyes, dark hair.

He married Louisa Keable (1884-1966), at St Matthews, Hull, on 13/03/1907. Living a 9, B.P., Avenue, Clyde Street, Hawthorne Avenue, Hull. They had two daughters, Eda May and Louisa.

Having served on Minesweepers including the Dardenelles, he was discharged on 21/06/1917 . He enlisted in the Army, at Hull, on 24/06/1916. Called up for service, on 01/11/1917. Served in the Royal Engineers, Inland Waterways and Dock Companies. Discharged as “mentally deficient and feebleminded”, on 18/04/1918. Awarded a Silver Badge (no:B278287).

Died on 26/11/1918, aged 32.

First name:
Military Number:
Date Died
Place died:
Hull Western Cemetery
9, Clyde Street, Hawthorne Avenue, Hull
Place Buried