Reckitt’s was a long established International company, founded in Hull. It expanded at the outbreak of the WW1 by buying two German companies based in England – Rawlin’s & Son and the Global Metal Polish Company. They employed 4,761 in 1915, which rose 5,609 in 1917. Being Quakers, Reckitt’s was pacifist by nature and its factories, produced non combative war goods, such as Dettol cleaning materials, gas masks, and petrol cans.
The Reckitt magazine of September 1914, reporting on the outbreak of the Great War, said: “Every one of us can help. The call to arms is urgent and our male employees are responding nobly.” A total of 113 Army and Navy reserves, Territorials and Ambulance men immediately joined the fight. When war broke out, 113 Army and Navy reserves, Territorials and Ambulance Men attached to the Royal Army Medical Corps joined the colours. A special Works Company was formed, attached to the 4th Batt. East Yorks. Regiment. Many Reckitt staff voluntarily enlisted following an appeal from Lord Kitchener.
The Reckitt’s Directors decided to supplement the service pay of married men, making up the difference between the Army pay and wages earned at work every week after the men went to the front.
The Dansom Lane Social Hall in Hull was offered to the Voluntary Aid Detachment and became a hospital and many soldiers were quartered in the Hull Reckitt Boys’ Gymnasium.
The Reckitt’s factory hospital, received its’ first patients on the 9th December 1914. The Reckitt’s Voluntary Aid Detachment hospital, was staffed by members of the Reckitt Nursing Division, with James Reckitt appointed as acting commandant. It was Hull’s third hospital, with 45 beds, organised and financed by Mr and Mrs P Reckitt. They had a weekly average of 35 patients during the war. Thirty Two unmarried women worked at the Reckitt’s hospital and served at Air raid Stations. Ten of these were awarded St John Ambulance war Badges. Five additional women served for Air raid duty only. Another four women were accepted for active service as nurses.
This VAD run hospital opened on the 9th December 1914 and closed in January 1919. In the 4 years and 3 months that it was open, the Reckitt’s hospital treated 2,910 patients. Colonel Tatham from the Humber Garrison Medical Service wrote; “the patients who have been there, greatly appreciate the care and kindness bestowed upon them. Many of them have told me, that they were so looked after and received so many little extras and kindnesses, that Reckitts’ was the hospital that men wished to get into if they could.” Sir James Reckitt also billeted a large number of soldiers in their grounds and offered to house a large number of Belgian refugees.

During the war, Reckitt’s provided servicemen with extra pay and gifts. Food parcels were sent every 6-7 weeks and Prisoners of War were adopted. Employees voluntarily contributed £885 to these parcels and packed them in their own time. Employees also contributed £581 to the Lord Mayor of Hull Fund, for Blinded Soldiers, sailors and civilians. A girls Working party was established which during the war made 3,772 sandbags, 1,240 socks, 370 scarves, 200 shirts, 87 belts, 424 mittons, 138 gloves, and 59 helmets. Ninety Six Reckitt’s men exempted from military service due to age volunteered as Special Constables and responded to 49 Air raid calls and eight air raid attacks on Hull. Another sixty three employees enlisted in local voluntary regiments and trained in their own evenings and weekends.

Reckitt’s spent £66,510 on topping up army pay, £8,421 on gifts, £1466 on Christmas parcels, £269 on Prisoner of War parcels and created a Peace Memorial Fund of £10,000 to assist employees and others who had suffered in the war. Reckitt’s also donated another £106,730 to various war Charities. The Company published photographs of many employees serving in ww1 in the staff magazine.
After the war 600 ex servicemen from Reckitt’s were provided tea at the Francis Reckitt Institute, on 8th January 1920. The Company Directors made a gift of £8000 to the ex servicemen. All employees who served in the war were reinstated to their former Reckitts roles, but the problem of disabled soldiers had to be dealt with. The Kingston, Morley Street and Cannister works had 86 disabled ex servicemen, (6.75% of the workforce). Employment of a lighter kind, suitable to individual cases, was found for each man.
By the Armistice 1,100 Reckitt’s employees were serving in the armed forces and 153 had lost their lives. Reckitt’s erected two Memorial tablets and an impressive war memorial in Hull.
As a tribute to those who served in the Great war, Sir James Reckitt commissioned a stunning memorial fountain, sculpted by artist William Aumonier. The Fountain had a striking central figure representing Sacrifice; the dead youth at her feet and the inverted torch emblematic of the sacrifice made by humanity in the Great War. At the corners of the fountain were Cherubs holding dolphins, from whose mouths water pours into the basin below.
The Reckitt’s Memorial was unveiled by Major-General Sir Percy S Wilkinson and dedicated by the Bishop of Hull, Dr Gurdon, on the 3rd November 1921.

A large crowd gathered outside the works of Reckitt’s, in Dansom Lane, and people took to the roofs, sat on walls and watched from the factory windows that had been thrown open to witness the ceremony. The Reckitt company magazine of November 1921, called “Ours“, reported on the ceremony, saying a procession of employees, some war disabled, appointed by their various departments and bearing wreaths, took part and that a continuous procession by the public continued until after dark. Every available space in the vicinity of the monument was occupied by employees of the firm and relatives of the fallen. There were tokens of respect from every department, from the directors to the workroom girls.
The report said of the monument: “It rises in its beauty straight from the heart of factory buildings, an inspiration and an ideal to multitudes of men and women workers whose hurrying feet shall pass it by, but who, in years unborn and now, shall fail not to catch something of its message; as also it is a dedicated shrine where our honoured dead shall be remembered.”
The Reckitt family continued to contribute to Hull’s community. This included building houses in Garden Village, the James Reckitt Library, buying the site of the Ferens Art gallery, contributing to local hospitals, universities and gifting the land which is now the East Hull park.
A total of 1,108 Reckitt employees served from its worldwide workforce in the Great War; 153 employees were killed and 50 per cent of the remainder were wounded or disabled. Reckitt’s produced a 50 page, Remembrance, Roll of Honour 1914-1919, which listed people by name, rank, regiment, unit, department in which they worked, and the date they joined the company. In addition to Kingston Works, Canister Works and Morley Street Works there are listings for Outside Staff, London House, Bluebell House, Liverpool House, Plymouth House and Dublin House. The company was also international a century ago, so there are listings for Australian House, New Zealand House, South African House, New York House, Canadian House, Paris House and Belgium House. Members from Paris House (10 of them), Sydney Office and New Zealand Office are amongst the fallen. French and Belgian staff were among 45 recipients of gallantry awards.
Many of the men lived locally and had joined Reckitt’s as Boys. Most were ordinary ranks, Troopers, Bandsmen, Medics, Riflemen, Gunners, Drivers and Sappers. There are only Five Officers, and Three Sergeants listed. The majority (78 men) served with local East Yorkshire Regiments, including 18 men, who joined the Hull Pals. Other Yorkshire and regional regiments are also represented. Most were soldiers. There are only eight sailors listed. The majority of men (123) were killed between 1916-1918, when conscription was introduced. Their deaths range between 18-45 years, with the average age of death, 26. Twenty of the fallen were Teenagers.
The following 146 men are recorded on the Hull Reckitt War Memorial and on the Reckitt WW1 Boys Club, Roll of Honour, Hull.
Surname | Rank | Regiment | Died | Age | No: | Address | Buried | Department | Joined |
Anderson, George | Pte | 12th EYR | 28/08/1916 | 23 | 87 | BARNSLEY STREET, HULL | Calais, France | Canister | 21/10/1907 |
Andrews, Albert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 15/06/1916 | 32 | 191 | BALFOUR STREET, HULL | Bailleul, France | KW Brasso | 28/01/1907 |
Barton, John Woodliff | Pte | 2nd EYR | 05/05/1915 | 19 | 17 | DANSOM LANE, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | ||
Baxter, Albert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 09/07/1915 | 25 | 54 | CHESTNUT GROVE, GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL | RE Farm, Belgium | KW Brasso | 22/07/1909 |
Baxter, Henry | Gunner | RFA | 30/09/1918 | 31 | 136 | BRUNSWICK AVENUE, HULL | Aisne, France | ||
Beacock, Frederick | Stoker | RN, HMS “Black Prince” | 31/05/1916 | 21 | 7 | RICHARDS PLACE, ADELAIDE STREET, HULL | Jutland | ||
Beckett, George Wilson | Pte | 8th EYR | 13/06/1916 | 21 | 214 | DANSOM LANE, HULL | Ridge Wood, Belgium | KW Hoists | 27/02/1911 |
Bell, William Henry | Pte | 8th EYR | 03/05/1917 | 37 | 12 | SWANN STREET, HULL | Arras, France | KW WB Dept | 20/03/1911 |
Benstead, John | L/Cpl | 10th Tank Corps | 23/10/1918 | 25 | 9 | WILLIAMS TERRACE, WALLER STREET, HULL | Calais, France | Morley St Works | 08/06/1914 |
Berridge, Alfred | Pte | 1/6th NFUS | 01/10/1916 | 38 | 64 | HOLDERNESS ROAD, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | ||
Binns, William Arthur | Pte | 8th EYR | 06/11/1915 | 21 | 24 | PEMBERTON STREET, HULL | Bailleul, France | ||
Borrill, Thomas Edgar | Pte | 2/8TH Notts & Derby | 29/09/1917 | 19 | 50 | BRIGHT STREET, HULL | Tyne Cot, Belgium | KW Electricians | 21/09/1911 |
Bowden, John Robert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 24/04/1915 | 22 | 3 | BERKSHIRE STREET, HULL, | Ypres, Belgium | KW Sawmills | 13/05/1907 |
Bows, George William | Gunner | RGA | 25/07/1916 | 36 | 62 | SHARP STREET, HULL | Hull Northern | ||
Broadley, Thomas | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 26/04/1915 | 19 | 22 | KENT TERRACE, KENT STREET, HULL | Poperinge, Belgium | Morley St Works | 25/08/1914 |
Brocklesby, George Clifford | L/Cpl | 1st KOYLI | 08/05/1915 | 18 | 1 | WENLOCK TERRACE, RUSTENBURG STREET, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | ||
Broddle, Oswald | Pte | 13th Lincolns | 22/04/1917 | 30 | 10 | ROXBURGH STREET, HULL | Etaples, France | KW | |
Bryan, John William Henry | Pte | 11th EYR | 27/03/1918 | 19 | 16 | JAMES RECKITT AVENUE, HULL | Arras, France | ||
Busby, Walter Percy | Pte | 11th EYR | 28/06/1917 | 32 | 5 | JAMES RECKITT AVENUE, HULL | Arras, France | ||
Buttery, Robert | L/Cpl | 7th EYR | 12/05/1917 | 31 | 15 | BRENTWOOD VILLAS, MARSHALL STREET, HULL, | Arras, France | Canister | 03/02/1915 |
Carver, Arthur | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 24/11/1915 | 24 | 78 | THOMAS STREET, HEDON ROAD, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | KW Hoists | 07/08/1908 |
Chambers, John William | A/B | RN, HMS “Ruby” | 16/10/1918 | 34 | 33 | JAMES RECKITT AVENUE, HULL | Bari, Italy | ||
Chapman, Edward | Pte | 3rd EYR | 09/10/1918 | 24 | 6 | BELLAMY STREET, HULL | Hull Hedon Road | Morley St Works | 22/08/1910 |
Chapman, Frederick John | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 06/08/1916 | 26 | 37 | WORTHING STREET, HULL | Calais, France | Canister | 21/07/1914 |
Chapman, George James | Pte | 2nd KOYLI | 01/11/1919 | 33 | 4 | ROSEDALE AVENUE, UPTON STREET, HULL | Hull Hedon Road | KO Room 24 | 01/03/1904 |
Charlton, George | Pte | 11th EYR | 20/02/1918 | 22 | 20 | WATERLOO STREET, HULL, | Roclincourt, France | Morley St Works | 18/09/1914 |
Cheeseman, Fred | Pte | 2/7th Manchesters | 09/10/1917 | 25 | 118 | DANSOM LANE, HULL | Tyne Cot, Belgium | Canister | 01/06/1909 |
Childs, William Herbert | Pte | 3rd EYR | 02/12/1915 | 22 | 1 | JAMES PLACE, NEW GEORGE STREET, HULL | Hull Western | ||
Claxton, Henry | Pte | 1/6th Notts & Derby | 15/11/1917 | 39 | 4 | ROSEDALE AVENUE, UPTON STREET, HULL | Poperinge, Belgium | KW Packing | 20/10/1891 |
Clayton MM, Robert William | Rifleman | 2/8th Post Office Rifles | 30/10/1917 | 32 | 169 | ALLIANCE AVENUE, HULL | Tyne Cot, Belgium | ||
Cobb, Henry (Harry) | Pte | 1/5th Border Reg. | 30/09/1916 | 19 | 8 | CAMBRIDGE TERRACE, CAMBRIDGE STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | KW Exports | 06/02/1911 |
Cobby, Walter Harold | L/Cpl | 7th EYR | 03/11/1916 | 31 | 105 | SPRING BANK WEST, HULL | Hull Northern | ||
Cockerline, Ernest H. | Pte | 5th WYR | 11/10/1918 | 30 | 1 | HARRY’S TERRACE, OXFORD STREET, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | Canister | 18/04/1916 |
Cook, Albert | Pte | 1st EYR | 22/02/1917 | 28 | 37 | BROOK STREET, HULL | Loos, France | Canister | 08/12/1914 |
Cooper, Clifford | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 16/08/1918 | 23 | 74 | BRIGHT STREET, HULL | Etaples, France | KW Box Shop | 12/10/1909 |
Costello, Mark | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 02/06/1918 | 19 | 12 | NAPOLEON AVENUE, KENT STREET, HULL | Germany | KW Sawmills | 08/11/1912 |
Coupland, Fred Batholemew | Pte | RAMC | 17/10/1917 | 29 | 85 | CRAVEN STREET, HULL | St Julian, Belgium | Canister | 07/09/1914 |
Cousins, Joseph Ernest | Pte | 7th Liverpool Reg. | 28/06/1916 | 19 | 30 | CORONATION DRIVE, CROSBY, LIVERPOOL | Wailly, France | Shinio Branch | 22/05/1913 |
Cowl, Douglas Richard | 2nd Lieut. | 1/4th EYR | 23/04/1917 | 32 | 194 | ELDON GROVE, BEVERLEY ROAD, HULL | Arras, France | ||
Cronk, Thomas William | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 24/11/1915 | 24 | 18 | VINE TERRACE, BARNSLEY STREET, HULL | Festubert, France | Canister | 02/06/1913 |
Cropper, William Ernest | Pte | 1st EYR | 28/05/1917 | 30 | 8 | DERWENT AVENUE, COURTNEY STREET, HULL | Ficheux, France | KW Exports | 24/03/1902 |
Dalton, Percival | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 25/04/1915 | 19 | 24 | JESMOND GARDENS, HOLDERNESS ROAD, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | Canister | 14/03/1910 |
Dalton, Thomas Edward | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 06/05/1915 | 22 | 238 | HOLDERNESS ROAD, HULL | Bailleul, France | KW Fitters | 11/03/1907 |
Darling, Charles | Sapper | 1st ERY | 09/05/1916 | 23 | 67 | CRAVEN STREET, HULL | Bailleul, France | ||
Dawson, Wilfred | Gunner | RFA | 22/08/1918 | 33 | 33 | LEE STREET, HULL | Villers Bretonneux | KW Hoists | 01/09/1914 |
Dean, Alfred | Stoker | RN, HMS “Invincible” | 31/05/1916 | 21 | 104 | DURHAM STREET, HULL | Jutland | ||
Dobson, James | Gunner | RGA 346th | 14/11/1917 | 38 | 66 | LABURNUM AVENUE, HULL | Zuydcoote, France | KO Clerk | 14/05/1900 |
Dodsworth, Alfred | Gunner | RGA | 28/10/1918 | 27 | 14 | CORAL GROVE, GRANGE STREET, HULL | Hull Northern | KW Brasso | 02/05/1907 |
Downs, Ernest | L/Cpl | 2/7th Manchesters | 21/03/1918 | 29 | 8 | FLORENCE GROVE, LORRAINE STREET, HULL | Aisne, France | Canister | 01/11/1908 |
Downs, Herbert | Pte | 7th EYR | 21/09/1918 | 31 | 8 | FLORENCE GROVE, LORRAINE STREET, HULL | Asseviliers, France | KW Brasso | 01/09/1909 |
Ellyard, Charles Sydney | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 06/08/1915 | 24 | 187 | HESSLE ROAD, HULL | Ploegsteert, Belgium | Representative | 03/02/1913 |
Elsom, Robert | L/Cpl | Royal Scots | 22/03/1918 | 19 | 13 | STAFFORD STREET, HULL | Bailleul, France | Canister | 01/07/1914 |
Ely, George | Sapper | RE’s | 04/07/1917 | 23 | 6 | PEMBERTON STREET, HULL | Canada Farm, Belgium | KW Motor Driver | 05/07/1909 |
Emerson, Herbert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 10/09/1916 | 22 | 9 | KINGSTON PLACE, WITHAM, HULL, | Bazentine, France | KW Room 47 | 02/11/1908 |
Farrow, Arthur | Pte | 1st EYR | 09/04/1917 | 26 | 7 | CRESCENT AVENUE, NEW BRIDGE ROAD, HULL | Calais, France | Morley St Works | 19/09/1914 |
Foster, Leslie Cecil | Pte | 2/8th Notts & Derby | 07/04/1917 | 19 | 86 | VILLAGE ROAD, GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL | Aisne, France | KO Clerk | 03/03/1913 |
Gall, Henry | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 20/04/1918 | 18 | 92 | DE GREY STREET, HULL | Lindenhoek, Belgium | Canister | 11/12/1911 |
Gaskill, William | A/B | Royal Naval Reserve | 01/05/1917 | 43 | 3 | ASH BROOK, BUCKINGHAM STREET, HULL | Sea | ||
Goodfellow, Herbert Frederick | Pte | 12th EYR | 13/11/1916 | 29 | 3 | YORK TERRACE, BEDFORD STREET, HULL | Serre, France | Morley St Works | 27/08/1914 |
Gray, Edwin | Pte | 15th WYR | 03/05/1917 | 30 | 10 | COUPLAND STREET, BEETON HILL, LEEDS | Arras, France | Canister | 13/10/1914 |
Hardy, MM, Walter Charles | Pte | 6th EYR | 17/07/1917 | 25 | 20 | PROVIDENCE ROW, BEVERLEY ROAD, HULL | Archiet, France | Canister | 21/10/1912 |
Harris, James Alfred | Pte | 10th EYR | 24/03/1918 | 24 | 7 | HANNAH’S TERRACE, SPYVEE STREET, HULL | Arras, France | KW Packing | 05/02/1907 |
Hartley, Charles | Sgt | 7th Lincolns | 27/07/1918 | 25 | 17 | DERWENT AVENUE, GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL. | Harponville, Somme | Morley St Works | 22/11/1906 |
Harvey, John James | Pte | Machine Gun Corps | 01/04/1918 | 23 | 18 | JAMES RECKITT AVENUE, HULL | Hanguard, Somme | Canister | 19/09/1909 |
Hill, Richard Arthur | Pte | 2/5th Border Reg | 01/10/1916 | 20 | 2 | CICERO TERRACE, SWANN STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | KW Packing | 04/01/1912 |
Hogg, George Edward | Pte | 11th EYR | 13/10/1916 | 23 | 5 | PRISON BUNGALOWS, HEDON ROAD, HULL | Colincamps, Somme | KW Lead | 08/06/1911 |
Holland, Herbert henry | Pte | R West Surrey Regiment | 27/10/1918 | 21 | 37 | FREEHOLD STREET, SPRING BANK, HULL | Hull Western | ||
Hopper, Richard | Pte | 9th Scots Rifles | 20/09/1917 | 29 | 15 | RICHARDS TERRACE, KENT STREET, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | KW Packing | 08/01/1902 |
Hotchkin, Ernest | Pte | 12th EYR | 13/11/1916 | 28 | 2 | CROFTON AVENUE, EGTON STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | KW Hoists | 18/09/1902 |
Hotchkin, Fred | Pte | 12th EYR | 13/11/1916 | 22 | 7 | SOPHIAS TERRACE, SPYVEE STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | ||
Housley, John | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 10/04/1918 | 30 | 33 | VICTOR STREET, HULL | Steenwerck, France | KW Packing | 08/11/1901 |
Hudson, Robert William | Pte | 2/5th Scots Rifles | 19/03/1919 | 33 | 31 | JAMES RECKITT AVENUE, HULL | Hull Hedon Road | Morley St Works | 13/08/1914 |
Hunter, Leonard Andrew | Gunner | RFA | 24/08/1918 | 20 | 9 | ROSEDALE AVENUE, UPTON STREET, HULL | Calais, France | ||
Hunter, Samuel | Pte | 7th EYR | 12/05/1917 | 26 | 187 | MERSEY STREET, HULL | Arras, France | Canister | 02/09/1914 |
Hutchinson, Ivan | 1st Lieut. | 1/5th EYR | 22/04/1918 | 21 | 563 | ANLABY ROAD, HULL | Calais, France | KO Clerk | 01/09/1913 |
Jackson, Edward | Pte | 1st EYR | 04/11/1918 | 36 | 2 | OXFORD STREET, HULL | Romeries, France | ||
Jarrett, Henry | Pte | 10th WYR | 23/04/1917 | 22 | 22 | KENT STREET, HOLDERNESS ROAD, HULL | Arras, France | Canister | 06/12/1909 |
Jubb, Charles | Pte | 15th DLI | 31/05/1918 | 18 | 2 | UNION SQUARE, NEW GEORGE STREET, HULL | Soisssons, Somme | Canister | 19/09/1912 |
Leak, George A. | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 15/09/1916 | 22 | 2 | WORKINGTON AVENUE, NORNABELL STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | KW Lead | 18/12/1911 |
Lees MM, Harold Bernard | Bandsman | 2nd Royal Welsh Fus | 20/07/1916 | 26 | 2 | COLONIAL STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | Canister | 20/05/1914 |
Lill, Jack | Trooper | 20th Hussars | 26/06/1915 | 23 | 35 | PARROT STREET, HULL | Egypt | Canister | 26/02/1912 |
Lockham, James Ernest | Pte | 7th EYR | 23/04/1917 | 27 | 15 | VINE TERRACE, BARNSLEY STREET, HULL | Arras, France | Canister | 01/04/1916 |
Longley, Walter | Pte | 1/5th Border Reg. | 01/10/1916 | 39 | 7 | THE GROVE, LABURNUM AVENUE, HULL | Dernancourt, Somme | KW Sawmills | 18/03/1907 |
Mace, Herbert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 27/03/1918 | 20 | 6 | LENDAL TERRACE, DURHAM STREET, HULL | Pozieres, Somme | Morley St Works | 05/10/1914 |
Magson, Walter | Pte | 9th WYR | 31/07/1918 | 20 | 8 | WORKINGTON AVENUE, NORNABELL STREET, HULL | Marne, France | KW Sawmills | 20/09/1912 |
Mansell, George Henry | Sgt | 13th EYR | 02/10/1920 | 40 | 222 | BARNSLEY STREET, HULL | Hull Hedon Road | KW Packing | 20/02/1910 |
Markham, Joseph | Rifleman | 7th WYR | 09/10/1917 | 25 | 7 | COLERIDGE STREET, WESTCOTT STREET, HULL | Tyne Cot, Belgium | KW Bricklayers | 21/08/1905 |
McCloud, John William | Gunner | RFA 330th | 20/10/1917 | 32 | 5 | ELM AVENUE, LIVERPOOL STREET, HULL | Tyne Cot, Belgium | KW Lead | 03/10/1913 |
McPherson, William Arthur | L/Cpl | 10th EYR | 05/06/1916 | 26 | 35 | MIDDLEBURG STREET, HULL | Abbeville, France | KO Clerk | 02/11/1903 |
Miller, Frank Lonsdale | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 13/10/1915 | 22 | 28 | LABURNUM AVENUE, HULL | Chapelle-D’Armentieres, France | KW Hoists | 08/05/1908 |
Miller, Sydney | Pte | RMLI | 22/08/1918 | 39 | Unknown | Vis-En- Artois, France | Clerk | 17/05/1909 | |
Millington, Raymond | Pte | Army Service Corps | 01/09/1917 | 26 | 64 | BARMSTON STREET, HULL | Mendinghem, Belgium | Representative | 15/09/1913 |
Murray, Walter Stanley | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 11/06/1915 | 37 | 93 | ST GEORGES ROAD, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | KO Clerk | 04/04/1900 |
Nasby, Valentine Percy | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 17/06/1916 | 21 | 2 | LORNE TERRACE, LORNE STREET, HULL | Bailleul, France | Canister | 19/06/1911 |
Neal, Herbert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 08/11/1916 | 24 | 12 | ST PAULS AVENUE, CHURCH STREET, HULL | Bazentine, France | KW Brasso | 28/02/1907 |
Nix MM, Charles John | Sgt | 11th EYR | 29/09/1918 | 29 | 16 | ALASKA STREET, HULL | Hainut, Belgium | Canister | 21/10/1907 |
Nozedar, Edward Henry | Pte | 11th Suffolks | 20/10/1918 | 19 | 37 | SWANN STREET, HULL | Spiere, Belgium | Canister | 26/02/1917 |
Parker, Gerald Pitts | Driver | RFA | 28/03/1918 | 27 | 101 | ROSMEAD STREET, HULL | Calais, France | KW Lead | 27/02/1911 |
Pearson, Edwin | Pte | 11th EYR | 15/07/1917 | 38 | 6 | SYDNEY TERRACE, SIDMOUTH STREET, HULL, | Aubigny, France | KW Starch | 21/8/1899 |
Peterson, George Benjamin | 2nd Lieut. | 1/4th EYR | 31/03/1918 | 22 | 42 | BEECH AVENUE, GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL | Ribemont, Somme | KO Clerk | 16/08/1909 |
Pitcairn, Henry | Pte | 12th NFUS | 16/06/1917 | 34 | 13 | RENSBURG STREET, HULL | Arras, France | Canister | 12/01/1915 |
Raper, Fred | Pte | 11th EYR | 25/03/1918 | 21 | 7 | MELROSE CRESCENT, GREEK STREET, HULL | Arras, France | Morley St Works | 14/08/1914 |
Richardson, Fred | Pte | Labour Corps | 13/12/1918 | 32 | 7 | APPLEYARDS BUILDINGS, OSBORNE STREET, HULL | Hull Hedon Road | ||
Robinson, Percival Bewman | 2nd Lieut. | 2nd KOYLI | 01/07/1916 | 23 | 135 | NEWLAND AVENUE, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | KW Starch | |
Robinson, Walter | Pte | RAMC | 27/10/1916 | 21 | 46 | KENT STREET, HOLDERNESS ROAD, HULL | Bazentine, France | KW Sawmills | 16/01/1898 |
Rogers, William | Driver | RFA | 14/07/1916 | 22 | 9 | CEDAR GROVE, EXCHANGE STREET, HULL | Mametz, Somme | Canister | 27/02/1908 |
Rudd, Joseph | Driver | RFA | 15/11/1918 | 30 | 60 | WHEELER STREET, HULL | Foston on Wolds, Yorkshire | ||
Rylett, William | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 14/07/1916 | 20 | 37 | JAMES RECKITT AVENUE, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | Canister | 19/02/1912 |
Sanderson, Thomas | Pte | 1/6th NFUS | 15/09/1916 | 25 | 66 | LABURNUM AVENUE, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | Canister | 11/09/1915 |
Saul, George Henry | Gunner | RGA 545TH | 10/10/1918 | 26 | 4 | POPLAR GROVE, SCULCOATES LANE, HULL | Etaples, France | Morley St Works | 25/01/1915 |
Scott, Frank Joseph | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 04/08/1916 | 21 | 23 | ESTCOURT STREET, HULL | Bailleul, France | KW Room 35 | 24/05/1909 |
Scott, Robert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 25/04/1915 | 27 | 11 | ANNIE TERRACE, WALLER STREET, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | Canister | 11/12/1912 |
Sedman, Herbert | Pte | 7th EYR | 13/04/1917 | 38 | 5 | THE GROVE, LABURNUM AVENUE, HULL | Arras, France | KW Starch | 07/12/1898 |
Sellers, Herbert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 19/09/1916 | 19 | 23 | PENNINGTON STREET, HULL | St Sever, France | KW Sawmills | 14/02/1911 |
Seymour, William Herbert | Pte | 1st EYR | 22/02/1917 | 31 | 66 | BEECH AVENUE, GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL | Cambrin, France | ||
Sharman, George Anthony | Pte | 1st Gordon Highlanders | 01/04/1916 | 32 | 160 | BUCKINGHAM STREET, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | Canister | 21/10/1907 |
Sharp, Edward | Pte | Machine Gun Corps | 28/06/1918 | 26 | 155 | BUCKINGHAM STREET, HULL | Aval Wood, France | KW Lead | 20/10/1910 |
Shepherd, Albert Edward | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 30/10/1918 | 27 | 10 | PRIMROSE AVENUE, UPTON STREET, HULL | Soisssons, Somme | Canister | 06/11/1912 |
Shields, Leonard | Pte | 13th EYR | 18/11/1916 | 21 | 7 | ST. HILDA”S TERRACE, SYMONS STREET, HULL | Serre, France | KW Sawmills | 17/02/1911 |
Simpson, John | Pte | 15th DLI | 29/05/1918 | 18 | 1 | SPRING COTTAGES, GOODWIN STREET, HULL | Wimille, France | KW Box Shop | 06/07/1914 |
Smales, Benjamin | Pte | 1st EYR | 01/07/1916 | 19 | 15 | HOWE STREET, ST MARKS STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | KW Starch | 15/12/1910 |
Snow, Samuel | Pte | 1st EYR | 01/07/1916 | 34 | 90 | SPYVEE STREET, HULL | Thiepval, Somme | KW Starch | 26/07/1900 |
Spires, George | Pte | 1st Coldstream Guards | 22/12/1914 | 22 | 21 | PENNINGTON STREET, HULL | Le Touret, France | KW Fitters | 26/04/1907 |
Stokes, William James | Stoker | RNR, HMS “Derwent” | 02/05/1917 | 41 | 3 | ASH BROOK, BUCKINGHAM STREET, HULL | Sea | Canister | 05/02/1908 |
Sugden, Thomas | Pte | 13th EYR | 16/01/1917 | 33 | 16 | MAY TREE AVENUE, GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL | Cambrai, France | ||
Taylor, Robert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 10/09/1916 | 21 | MERSEY STREET, HULL | Bazentine, France | Canister | 26/05/1913 | |
Taylor, Thomas Samuel | Pte | 2nd South Wales Borderers | 16/05/1917 | 25 | 1 | BLENHEIM TERRACE, WORSLEY STREET, HULL | Arras, France | Morley St Works | 26/01/1916 |
Taylor, William Eli | Stoker | Royal Naval Reserve | 07/05/1915 | 35 | 22 | LIME TREE AVENUE, GARDEN VILLAGE, HULL | Gallipoli | KW Fitters | 16/10/1908 |
Thackery, Herbert Edward | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 28/11/1916 | 20 | 58 | BRIGHT STREET, HULL | Becourt, Somme | KW Hoists | 01/12/1910 |
Thurloe, George | Pte | 11th EYR | 28/06/1918 | 22 | 116 | YORK STREET, HULL | Aval Wood, France | Morley St Works | 09/06/1913 |
Trowell, George William | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 23/04/1917 | 27 | 81 | LABURNUM AVENUE, HULL | Arras, France | KW Sawmills | 06/11/1903 |
Trowell, John Robert | Pte | 1/4th NFUS | 15/09/1916 | 30 | 81 | LABURNUM AVENUE, HULL | Adanac, Somme | KW Packing | 04/02/1904 |
Tune, Charles Walter | 2nd Lieut. | 13th EYR | 23/11/1917 | 22 | “WESTLANDS”, HESSLE. | Cambrai, France | KO Clerk | 29/03/1910 | |
Turner, Albert | Pte | 12th DLI | 07/06/1917 | 20 | 64 | ARGYLE STREET, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | Canister | 07/07/1911 |
Turner, Robert | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 23/04/1917 | 32 | 10 | EPPING TERRACE, RODNEY STREET, HULL | Arras, France | Canister | 14/10/1900 |
Upfold, William Henry | Stoker | RN, HMS “Hawke” | 15/10/1914 | 38 | 6 | TORQUAY VILLAS, ROSMEAD STREET, HULL | Sea | KW Fitters | 24/07/1911 |
Veal, Arthur Jubb | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 03/10/1918 | 20 | 81 | CLARENDON STREET, HULL | Bermuda | Canister | 14/05/1913 |
Walton, Maurice | Pte | 1st EYR | 25/04/1918 | 19 | 5 | ALBANY STREET, SPRINGBANK, HULL, | Tyne Cot, Belgium | KO Clerk | 27/07/1914 |
Watson, John William | Pte | 1st EYR | 11/07/1917 | 39 | 3 | MYRTLE GROVE, LORRAINE STREET HULL | Calais, France | Morley St Works | 12/08/1909 |
Wells, Albert | Pte | 8th Y & Lancs | 02/12/1916 | 32 | 13 | RIPPON TERRACE, KENT STREET, HULL, | Ypres, Belgium | Paper Stores | 12/07/1911 |
Wharam, William | Pte | 1/4th EYR | 03/05/1915 | 19 | 40 | PROVIDENCE ROW, BEVERLEY ROAD, HULL | Ypres, Belgium | Canister | 17/08/1915 |
Wilson, Richard | Pte | Labour Corps | 27/04/1918 | 42 | 1 | ST ANDREWS AVENUE, ST MARKS STREET, HULL | St Sever, France | Morley St Works | 24/09/1914 |
Wolfe, Harry Edmund | Pte | 2/4th EYR | 23/03/1916 | 20 | 12 | WOOLARTON TERRACE, DANSOM LANE, HULL | Hull Hedon Road | Canister | 25/01/1911 |
Woodcraft, William Herbert | Pte | Army Service Corps | 02/06/1918 | 42 | 26 | THOMAS STREET, HEDON ROAD, HULL | Hull Hedon Road | KW Packing | 11/1/1890 |
Woodmancey, Sydney | Pte | 1st EYR | 27/10/1917 | 19 | 6 | WELLINGTON STREET, HULL | Tyne Cot, Belgium | KO Clerk | 02/06/1914 |
Wright, Robert Arthur | Pte | 18th Lancs. Fusiliers | 26/03/1918 | 35 | 87 | CLIFTON STREET, HULL | Pozieres, Somme | KW Bricklayers | 02/11/1914 |