Cunningham, William

Born Hull 1882. A wood Sawyer, living with his three brothers, Robert, Peter and Joseph, at 24, Hood Street, The Groves, Hull (1911 Census). Described as 5 foot 1 inch tall, 105 lbs weight, 34-36 inch chest, “fair” physical development.

He married at St Mary’s, Hull, on 3/2/1913. His wife, Mathilda Ann Crawforth, and two daughters, Kathleen and Mary, lived at 120, Spyvee Street, Hull (Army & War Pension address).

Called up for service on 14/7/1916. Served for 235 days in the East Yorkshire, 91st Training Reserves. Discharged with Bronchitis, on 05/3/1917. He did not serve overseas.

Died of Influenza and Broncho Pneumonia, on 04/12/1918, aged 36.

First name:
Military Number:
26676, 84474
Date Died
Place died:
Hull, UK
Place Buried