Born Woolwich, London, 1898. Only child of Parkinson and Ann Pickering, of Lockington, Yorkshire. Son of an Army Pensioner and General Labourer. He worked as a Blacksmith. A single man. Described as 5 foot, 10″ tall, 140lbs weight, with 38-43 ” chest expansion, Good physical development
Enlisted at Driffield, on 4th November 1914. Called up for service, on 27/04/1916. Formerly, 2699, 5th Yorkshire Regiment. Sailed for Salonika, on 7th July 1916. Invalided to England, with Malaria, April 1917. Transferred to the Machine Gun Corps (Infantry), 87th Bn., on 27th September 1917. Wounded and missing, on 02/12/1917. Died a prisoner of war, next day, aged 19. He had served for 3 years and 30 days.
Buried at Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery.