Cocks, DCM, George

CSM, George Cocks, 10th Essex Regiment.

Born 27 Jan 1875 • Bredbury, Cheshire. Eldest Son of Richard Bond Cocks (1852-1925) & Eliza Leah (1851-1895), of 25, Cemetery Road, Tonge, Bolton, Lancashire (1911 Census). He had two younger brothers and two younger sisters.

He began as a shop assistant in Rochdale (1891 Census). Enlisted at Manchester; Resident at Woodley, Cheshire Joined the army in 1898. Served as Sergeant with the 1st Lancashire Fusiliers in India (191 Census). Promoted to Company Sergeant Major,on  31 Aug 1914.

Formerly 6281, 1st & 9th Lancashire Fusiliers., D.C.M. Transferred to the 10th Essex Regiment. Promoted to Company Sergeant Major, 31 Aug 1914. Killed in action, on 8 Aug 1918, aged 43. Commemorated on the Memorial in Vis-en-Artois, France.

Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) on21/10/1918. His citation reads “For conspicious gallantry and devotion to duty. As CSM his work has always been all that could be desired and while acting as RSM, he rendered valuable service prior to and during an attack in guiding and supervision of ration and ammunition parties.”

His army effects and £155 in his will were left to his father, Richard Bond Cocks, a Cemetery attendant at Back Lane, woodley, near Stockton, Cheshire.

His unmarried wife, Edith Middleton, lived at 4, Worsley Street, Beverley Road, Hull and 3 Walton Street, Hull (War Pension addresses). She married after his death and became Mrs Drewery.

His brother, Richard Bond Cocks, 535350, served with the 15th (County of London) Battalion (P.W.O. Civil Service Rifles)

First name:
Military Number:
6281, 50500
Company Sergeant Major
Date Died
Place died:
