Born Beverley 1896. Resided Beverley. Son of Francis Best. Apprentice to chartered accountant. An Accountant’s clerk (1914)
Enlisted at Hull, August 1914. Served with the 2nd/1st East Riding Yeomanry. Suffered stomach wound on 13th November 1917, he died at Deir Senaid CCS & was buried near Jerusalem, aged 21.
Awarded the VM/BWM/15 star, buried at Gaza; Commemorated on the Hengate memorial; Beverley, Town Cricket Club; photo in Beverley Guardian 23/2/1918; Beverley Church Lads Brigade ROH; Beverley Grammar School 1908-10 (see ROH); St. Mary’s church ROH; Beverely Guardian 10/10/1914 (Grammar School ROH), image & obituary in BG 2/3/18 – ; image of Private Best in Lee Smith (Hedon Museum) album is likely to be him; mother Frances Best, of 8 Woodlands, Beverley (pension record card).