Born Ipswich, Suffolk, 21/03/1884. Son of Doctor, William Binns, of The Cedars, East Bergholt, Suffolk. Educated at Stonyhurst College, Lancashire. Ecelled at Hockey, Swimming and as an Artist. He worked in designs and Letterings.
Married Maud Cartman, of Hull, in 1913, the only daughter of the late Reverend, J. Cartman, of Bonby Vicarage, Hull.
Enlisted on 29/01/1915. Commissioned in April 1915. Posted to France in May 1916, he joined the 8th Yorkshire Regiment. Fought at Horseshoe Trench, on 05/07/1916. Killed at Contalmaison, on 10th July 1916, aged 32. He was shot through the head, by a sniper, leading a bombing party and died instantly. Buried at Becourt Military Cemetery, near Albert on the Somme.