Crompton, Richard

Born 1880. Married on 28 Mar 1903, at Hull Holy Trinity. Husband of Sarah Ann Lobato Crompton, of 2, Benjamin Terrace, Dalton Street, Hull (War pension address). Thy had five children. He worked as a Rullyman. Described as 5 foot, 4.5 inches tall, 127 lbs weight, 36 inch chest, brown eyes, brown hair, Church of England religion, Tattoos of right forearm and right thumb, “Very Good” character.

He enlisted on 07/09/1914. Served as a Driver, in the 2nd Northumbrian Battalion Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Posted to France, on 16/04/1916. Returned to Blackpool Convalescent Hospital, England on 03/01/1917. Discharged on 05/10/1917 (“Scarcely able to breath”), after 3 years and 29 days military service.

Appointed to Munitions work for Messrs, Alfred Scott, Maxwell Street, Stoneferry, Hull. Awarded the Silver War Badge (N0: 136833).

Died at Hull, on 29/02/1928, aged 49.

First name:
Military Number:
1538, 756213
Date Died
Place died:
Hull, UK
2, Benjamin Terrace, Dalton Street, Hull
Place Buried