Cussons, Thomas Richard

Private, Thomas Richard Cussons (1885-1916) – NZEF

Born Beverley 08/07/1885. Son of John Thomas Cussons (1846-1929) and Annie Elizabeth Bettison (1858-1951). Served as Private Thomas Richard Cussons, 1st Bn. Auckland Regiment, New Zealand Expeditionary Force. He left £84 in his will to his father, John.

In 1911 Thomas was employed as a tanner. He was also a member of the 5th Battalion of the East Yorkshire Regiment territorial force with the rank of Lieutenant. In 1912 Thomas took up farming in New Zealand. At the outbreak of war in 1914 he joined the New Zealand Imperial Forces as a private. He served at Gallipoli where he was wounded in 1915 and returned to England. After recovering he was posted to France and took part in the Battle of the Somme. The New Zealanders attacked the German lines on the morning of 20 September near Flers. Thomas was shot in the jaw and neck and died of wounds on 22 September 1916. Private Thomas Richard Cussons, 1st Battalion Auckland Regiment was buried at St Sever Cemetery, Rouen. He is remembered on the Keldgate Shrine, East Riding Memorial Beverley Minster and the Hengate War Memorial.

He enlisted: New Zealand. Resided: Post-office, Hautapu, New Zealand. Died of Wounds: 22nd September 1916, aged 31. Only son of John Thomas and Annie Cussons of 14 Jordan Road, Four Oaks, Birmingham. Thomas was single.
Commemorated: St Sever Cemetery, Rouen, France, Ref: B. 20. 59. St. Mary’s Parish Memorial, St Mary’s Church, Beverley.
Beverley Memorial, Hengate, Beverley. Keldgate Roll of Honour.
New Zealand War memorial Online
“Pte. T. R. Cussons, Beverley, Killed. Information has been received that Pte Thomas Richard Cussons, only son of Mr John Cussons, late of Beverley, and grandson of the late Mr Thomas Cussons, has fallen in action having died of wounds in the Australian Hospital at Boulogne, on September 22nd. Deceased who was about 30 years of age, formerly held a commission as Lieutenant in the Beverley Territorials and resigned this on emigrating to New Zealand several years ago to engage in farming. On the outbreak of war he joined a Colonial Contingent as a ranker, and served in Gallipoli, being afterwards invalided home to England. After recuperating he left to take part in the operations in France. His wounds, which Unfortunately proved fatal, were in the neck and jaw” (BG, Saturday 30th September 1916)
“Pte. T. R. Cussons killed. New Zealand contingent. Only son of Mr John Cussons late of Beverley. Died of wounds September 22nd. Before leaving England for New Zealand Mr Cussons was a Lieutenant in the 5th Yorkshire (Territorial). (BG, Photograph, Saturday 11th November 1916).
Link to New Zealand War Memorial online

First name:
Military Number:
Date Died
Place died:
St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
