PRIVATE, EDWARD JOHN GOHL 11/489. Born in August 1889, Edward was the second of ten children to Julius Gohl (1865-1922) and Susannah Carter (1867-1925), of 49, Waverley Street, Hull. He had five brothers and four sisters. His father Julius Gohl was a well known confectioner in Hull and Withernsea. His shop was located at 6 George Street, Hull and Edward assisted his father in the shop. His army records, describe Edward as 5 foot, 4.5 inches tall, 137 lbs weight, 38-40 inch chest, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, “good” physical development, Church of England religion.
Edward Gohl enlisted at City Hall on 8th September 1914, aged 25. Four days later he was promoted to Corporal and remained so throughout training and the posting to Egypt, on the 11th December 1915, to defend the Suez Canal. The Pals left Port Said and after a seven day voyage, arrived in France on 7th March 1916. The East Yorkshire were then transported to the village of Serre, to prepare for ‘The Big Push’. in June 1916, Edward was promoted again, this time to acting Sergeant. As the Somme campaign wore on though, Edward requested he be demoted back to Private. His request was granted on 26th August 1916. Strange. May have been a little undiagnosed shellshock, or a sudden loss of faith in his ability to lead men, I wonder too if it may have been his name. Julius Gohl was born in Germany and had emigrated to Britain as a young man. Back home there was some pretty nasty violence and intimidation of families with Germanic surnames, and many Anglisized their names to avoid it. I wonder if, in the heat of the losses on the Somme, there were mutterings about him. I hope not. After eight months of landing on French soil, Edward was killed in action on 23rd December 1916. His body was never recovered and he is commemorated on Hull’s Walker Street ww1 Memorial and on the Thiepval Memorial to the missing on the Somme. He was only 27 years old. The Serre village cemetery contains 7,000 burials, of which 5,000 are unidentified, perhaps Edward’s remains, lie there?
Edwards siblings also served. His brothers were Charles Gohl, RASC, who served in France 1917-18; Harry Gohl, RE’s, France 1915-18; Richard Gohl who joined the Navy c 1917 and his sister Louisa Gohl who was VAD Nurse in France in 1916.
For more information on the Gohl family, please see the link, kindly forwarded to me by Brian Gohl on 03/01/2015.