Lord, John Frederick Wilson

Born Hull, 1882. son of Frederick Lord (1858-1937) & Jane Wilson (1861-1932); he had two brothers and four sisters. He worked as an Architect and designed the building that became the Hornsea Hydro. Also the Holderness Hunt follower

Joined the East Riding Yeomanry, on formation, in 1903. Held silver medal for long service, won several shooting prizes. Served in B squadron,  Later 2nd Lt, 5th Battalion KOYLI (commissioned 28/9/15). Posted to France from 22/6/16; killed at Arras leading the attack on Telegraph Hill (Hindenburg line); 09/04/1917, aged 34. Buried in London cemetery, Neuville-Vitasse; Commemorated on the Arras Memorial, France.

Awarded VM/BWM/TFEM(12 years service). His medals at Hornsea Museum;

He lived at Esplanade Gardens, Hornsea, his father was a local Councillor, estate agent & local historian (Dr Stuart Walker notes); YPLI 23/4/17 – HDM 15/10/17 – left £1,138 in will;


First name:
2nd Lieutenant
Date Died
Place died:
Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France
Esplanade Gardens, Hornsea, EAST YORKSHIRE, UK
