Marsh, John Rodgers

Born Driffield, 1883. Married on 7th April, 1912, at Queens Hall, Hull. Husband of Emily Selina Marsh of 11, Exmouth Street, Hull (Army and War Pension address). A Saddler and Electric Tramway Man. Described as % foot, 6.5 inches tall, 35-37 inch chest, 140 lbs weight, A1 Medical Grade.

He enlisted at Hull on 29/03/1915. Posted to France, on 30/12/1915. Served with the 32nd Ammunition Column, Royal Field Artillery. Exposed to severe weather condition. Returned to Blackpool England on 28/03/1917, with Bronchitis. Transferred to the 34th RFA (Reserves). Discharged on 28/04/1919 (40% disability). He had served in the army, for 5 years and 3 days. Died on 06/02/1925, aged 42.

He left £235 in his will, to his wife Emily at 11, Exmouth Street, Newland Avenue, Hull (Probate Address)

First name:
Military Number:
Acting Sergeant
Date Died
Place died:
Hull, UK
11, Exmouth Street, Newland Avenue, Hull
Place Buried