Mauger, Phillip Edward

Born 29 Jun 1887 St. Brelade, Jersey, Channel Islands. Son of Philip Francis Mauger and Dina Aeschliman. His father was from Jersey. His mother was Swiss. He had two brothers and a sister.

He married  at Hull in 1911. Husband of Charlotte Agnes Baker, of 53, Copenhagen St, Gillingham, Kent (CWGC address) and  6, Goodwin Terrace, Day Street, Hull (war pension address). They divorced in 1917. His next wife was Emily Shinn at 6, Brunswick Terrace, Adelaide Street, Hull.

He served as a Royal Naval reserve, rating, on H M S Attentive III. Killed when HM Drifter “Coleus” was sunk by a mine, on 04/10/1918, aged 31, Commemorated on Chatham Naval memorial.

His brother, Arthur was discharged from service with a Silver War Badge.


First name:
Phillip Edward
Military Number:
Second Hand
Date Died
Place died:
Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent
6, Brunswick Terrace, Adelaide Street, Hull