Prior, John Henry

John Henry Prior, RN Commemorated on Eliza, his wife’s grave at Hull Eastern Cemetery

Born 21 Jan 1870 Wantage, Berkshire. Described as 5 foot, 7 inches tall, blue eyes, light brown hair

He married Elizabeth McClean at Hull in 1893. His wife, Elizabeth and three children, Francis, Christine and Sidney lived at 20, Ferries Street, Hedon Road, Hull (War Pension address).

He enlisted in the Royal Navy on 24 May 1886. Served as Petty Officer First class, (R.F.R./CH/A/1532). H.M.S. “India.” Died as an Interned sailor, on  08 August 1915, aged 45.

Buried at Fitjar Churchyard, BODO CEMETERY, Norway. he is commemorated on his wife’s grave at Hull Eastern Cemetery.

His eldest son, John Henry enlisted aged 18. Served as as a gunner in the East Riding RGA and was discharged for service, with the Sliver War Badge.

HMS India, a former liner hired by the Admiralty for use as an armed merchant cruiser. She was torpedoed on 8 August 1915 by U22, off the Island of Helligvaer, near Bodo, Norway with the loss of 10 officers and 149 ratings. Captained by Commander W. G. A. Kennedy, R.N, twenty-two officers and 119 ratings were saved, but eleven of the latter died afterwards from the effects of exposure. The survivors were interned in Norway. Survivors found themselves trapped in a neutral, foreign country for over three years.

First name:
Military Number:
Petty Officer, 1st Class
Date Died
Place died:
20, Ferries Street, Hedon Road, Hull