Richardson, Thomas Edward

Born 1878. Married 9th September 1899. Husband of Jane Smith at 109 Alliance Avenue Hull (1911 Census) and 12, Arlington Street, Anlaby Road, Hull (War Pension address). He was an Insurance Agent. Described as 5 foot, 8 inches tall, 45-47 inch chest, good physical development. They had three children.

Enlisted 24th August 1915. Served in the 2nd East Riding RGA and as Sergeant, Royal Garrison Artillery. Posted to France, on 12th February 1917. Discharged on 19th March 1919 after 3 years and 205 days service. Died on 22 Jun 1919. He left £285 on his will to his widow, Jane.

First name:
Military Number:
Date Died
Place died:
Hull, UK
12, Arlington Street, Anlaby Road, Hull
Place Buried