Smith, George Edward

Born Goole, 1879.  Son of Richard Gower Smith and Annie Elizabeth Smith, of 5, Wilberforce Terrace, Bean Street, Hull. He had three brothers, six sisters and six half siblings.

Married at the Hull Register office on 5 Aug 1907. Husband of Catherine (Kate) Smith, of 1, Airedale Terrace, Staniforth Place, Hessle Road, Hull (War Pension address). His wife was ten years younger. They had five children, George Edward, Catherine, Charles William, Richard and John Lawrence Smith.

He worked as Dock Labourer and Club Steward for the Docker’s Union. Described as 5 foot, 5.5 inches tall, 34.5-36 inch chest.

He enlisted at Hull, on 10/12/1915, aged 37. Called up on 18/02/1916. Posted to France on 17/01/1917. Served with the East Yorkshire Regiment. On 23/06/1917, he was wounded by gun shot, to the arm, right leg and back. He returned to England on 24/06/1917. Transferred as a Pioneer in the Royal Engineers, on 24/11/1917. Discharged as physically unfit on 27/02/1918. Died of Tuberculosis, in Hull, on 25/02/1920, aged 41.

First name:
Military Number:
318463, 33040
Date Died
Place died:
Hull, UK
1, Airedale Terrace, Staniforth Place, Hessle Road, Hull
Place Buried