Wilburn, Thomas Hartley William

Born Hull, 1887. Son of Albert and Kate Ellen Wilburn (1859-1947), of 21 Grosvenor Avenue, Grosvenor Street, Beverley Road, Hull and 1, Beta Villas, Mayfield Street, Hull (War Pension address). He had two  brothers Harold and Stanley and four sisters, Ethel, Mary, Elsie and Mable.

He worked as a Waiter (1911 census)

Enlisted at Hull, on 10 Dec 1915. Served with the 1/8th Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Wounded in action in France, on 9 June 1916 – “Shell Shock”. Discharged as Insane, on 4 April 1918.

Awarded the Silver War Badge (No: 374300). Died at the Hull City Asylum, Willerby, Hull, on 2 Mar 1938, aged 51. His army Effects were sent to his mother Kate Ellen. and siblings, Elsie and Mable.

His elder brother, Harold Reginald Wilburn emigrated to New Zealand and served with the NZ forces during WW1.

Note: HULL DAILY MAIL 28 July 1916

“Notification has been received by Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn, 21 Grosvenor Avenue, Grosvenor Street, Beverley Road, Hull, that both of their sons have been wounded in France.

Private Stanley Wilburn, Canterbury Infantry, New Zealand Expeditionary Force, was wounded during the great British offensive on July 13th and is now in the 2nd London General Hospital, Chelsea.

Private T.H. Wilburn Royal Warwickshire Regiment was wounded in action in France on June 9th and is now in King George’s Hospital, London, suffering from shell shock.”

First name:
Thomas Hartley William
Military Number:
Date Died
Place died:
Hull City Asylum, Willerby, Hull,
1, Beta Villas, Mayfield Street, Hull
