St Matthew’s Church Memorial, is one of Hull’s most impressive War Memorials. The community paid for a magnificent West Window, and two marble tablets, which record 139 men from the Parish, who were killed in the 1914-1918 Great War.

The West Window Memorial is a series of 46 beautiful, stained glass, windows, measuring approximately 6.5 m high and 3.5 m wide. It was made by John Hardman and Company, of Birmingham and unveiled and dedicated by the Bishop of Hull, on 4 July 1922. It is one of the finest stained glass memorials of the WW1 and shows the time, effort and expense that the community went to honour their war dead. An inscription stone on the outside wall reads “The window above is in memory of our dead through whom we live”.
The church was sold and re purposed in 2018, but in 2019, the West Window was grant funded and restored to a pristine condition. For details on the restoration, please see the following link https://www.warmemorialsonline.org.uk/memorial/226557
The 139 St Matthew’s names are recorded, in alphabetical order, on two marble tablets. They include 49 men who died serving, with the East Yorkshire Regiment, including 23 “Hull Pals”. Fifteen men served with other Yorkshire Regiments. There are also two Royal Marines, seven Artillery men, two Cavalry men, a machine gunner, a Tank Driver and a Royal Flying Corps pilot. Two men served with the Coldstream Guards, five with the Durham Light Infantry. There are also Fusiliers, Riflemen and Royal Engineers. Six men on the memorial were Officers and three were Sergeants. Another 22 men were Sailors, including five Ship Skippers and two Chief Engineers, who were all lost at sea. Each of these men had their own story and were special to someone. Only two men on the Memorial can not be traced. These are C.H. Kidby and E. Walton. This is unfortunate as someone went to the effort to record them on this memorial. Perhaps they were Charles Walter Kirkby, of 48 Tadman Street, or Maurice Walton, of 5 Albany Street, Springbank, Hull, who also died in the war?
Those commemorated on the St Matthews Memorial were lost on land, sea and air, in all theatres of war, world wide. Casualties fluctuated as the war progressed. Five men, died in 1914; Nineteen, died in 1915, Thirty Five, died in 1916; Forty Three, died in 1917; Thirty Three, died in 1918 and two men died in 1919. Three men from the 10th East Yorkshires and all neighbours at Bean Street, died together, on the same day, on the 4th June 1916. Another man died on the opening day of the Somme Battle. Six men died on 13th November 1916, when the Hull Pals attacked Serre. Four men died on 3rd May 1917, when the Hull Pals, attacked Oppy Wood.

The men are commemorated mostly in France and Belgium. One man is buried in Scotland, five at Gallipoli, others are buried in Egypt, Malta, Germany, Melbourne, Australia and South Africa. Eight men are buried in Hull. Sixty Six men have no known grave and are commemorated on Naval memorials at Tower Hill, London, Portsmouth, Plymouth, and Chatham. Others are remembered on the Memorials to the missing, at Ypres, Loos, Arras, Cambrai and the Somme. All the St Matthews’ men served in the Britain forces, apart from two, John Bigley, who fought with the Canadian Expeditionary Force and Sergeant, Henry Bennett, who served with the 1st South African Infantry. Most were born in Hull and Yorkshire, but Thomas Boden Wilson, son of a tea Dealer, was born in Brisbane, Australia.
Each man recorded on the Memorial has their own story and there are many stories to tell. The Anderson brothers, both enlisted underage and died aged only 18. William Edward Brook, a “promising Lad” for the North Eastern Railways, was killed at Ypres after only nine weeks at the front. James Albert Bachelor, was married at St Matthews and was killed in action, on 27th February 1917, aged 27. John Arthur Setterington ran the Boulevard Picture Palace. George Lill, ran a pub on Holderness Road. His brother, Jack Lill, worked for Reckitt’s and was a well known local rugby player. Henry Wallace, a joiner, played Half back rugby for West Hartlepool and Hull. Another athlete was Arthur Ware Taylor, who played football and cricket for Anlaby teams. Wounded in the spine, he died in Manchester and is buried in Hull. Rawson Nelson Moody, who had already been gassed twice, died a German Prisoner of war, aged 21. Robert Mitchell, was an only child, killed in 1917 aged 21. He is remembered on his mother’s grave in Hull Western Cemetery. Another only child, was James William Newlove, killed at Oppy Wood, aged 22. His parents received a parcel of all that remained him: photos, cards, a red book, scissors, a thimble and some shaving equipment. Harry Waldby another only son, was killed by a sniper, aged 18. Charles Edward Parker, a single man and former railway Clerk, left no war pension records. His medals were unclaimed and disposed of in 1921. Many of the men of the memorial were married and left widows and children. For example, Henry Parker, was an only son, killed serving with the Tyneside Irish. He left a widow and five small children. Henry Wallace, killed in 1917, left a widow and six children at 31, Airlie Street. Arthur Stanton, killed on 28th August 1917, also left a widow and six children. Sergeant, George William Smith, died of wounds, on the day that the war ended, leaving a destitute widow and three daughters. There were also bereaved mothers, like Minnie Thompson, who lived to be 108 years old. She was aged 34 when her son, Alwin Thompson, died at sea in 1914 and was aged 42 when his name was added to the memorial. She died in 1974 – a long time to remember the loss of her first son. Also, Mary Ellen Walker, a widow whose seven sons served in the war and three of them, including twins, were killed in the final months.
The men on the Memorial, came from wide social backgrounds and had a variety of occupations. Some were Labourers, Joiners, Blacksmiths, Apprentices, house painters and coal trimmers. Others like John Prebble Fenner and Robinson Ferraby, were sons of Hull factory owners. Charles Ernest Hurst worked for Hull’s largest Corn Merchant. James Stennett Watson was an Accountant, well known in business circles. Albert Henry McNeil, was a Shipping Clerk for the Wilson Line and sang in the St Matthew’s Church choir. Many were Clerks and joined the 10th East Yorkshire regiment, a pals battalion, known as the “Hull Commercials”. Some were educated at Hull Grammar School, several were Old Hymerians’, while others like, Walter Thomas, was an orphan, raised in poverty, at the Hull Workhouse.
There are 22 Teenagers on the Memorial. The youngest to die was aged 18. The oldest was 52. The average age of all men killed on the memorial was 27 years old. The average age of Merchant seamen, lost at sea, was 37. Not all the deaths were at the front. Lance Corporal, George Leonard Mckee, was a professional soldier, killed during bomb practice. David William King, died in a train accident, behind the Lines. Sapper, Billy Hodgson, was accidentally killed when a trench collapsed on him. Similarly, Christopher Jenkins, accidentally died on his ship, in the Orkney Islands – all reminders that war was a dangerous place, even away from the fighting.
The first St Matthew’s man to die, was Joseph Williams, a Royal Navy Signaller, on HMS Cressey, lost at sea, on 22nd September 1914, aged 31. The last death was, Sergeant, Henry Bennett, who emigrated to South Africa and died of shell shock, in Johannesburg, on the 15th October 1919, aged 34.
The memorial reflects many family tragedies, with ten sets of brothers listed as killed. These were the Anderson, Bulson, Dymock, Johnson, Lill, Monday, Ransom, and Swift brothers. There are another three Walker brothers, from 343 Anlaby Road, – Harold and Victor Walker who were twins and their younger brother John Cyril Walker, all killed in 1918. There are also three Ellis brothers, who were Naval Mariners, all lost at sea. There are also two sets of Brother in laws, Joseph Williams and James Weighton, both sailors, lost at sea, in 1914, and James Arthur Bachelor and his wife’s brother, Percy Dixon. There are also a father and son, listed on the Memorial, both called Thomas Ashley, they died at sea, on different ships. The loss of the Lill brothers was compounded by the death of another brother, Thomas, who died at Hull, in 1918, aged only 14 years and 10 months.
Frederick Carl Haley is listed on the Memorial, but for unknown reasons, his brother, Sidney Orland Haley, killed on 1st October 1916, is not? Similarly, Cyril Stephenson’s brother, Neville, killed on 11th February 1916, aged 23, is not included on the Memorial. Henry Wallace, who was born in North Shields, also had a brother killed in 1914.
Two men on the memorial were awarded the Military Medal for bravery (not shown on the memorial). They were Corporal, Laurence Horsfall, for rescuing wounded and Frank Davie, who was later Commissioned as an officer and died in 1917.
The men on the Memorial came mostly from the Boulevard and surrounding area. Those that collected the names for the memorial clearly visited Parrott Street, Tomlinson Street, Selby Street, Airlie Street, Ena Street and Gordon Street. Many of the houses, where these men lived still remain today from the First World war, while others like Regent Street and Bean Street, were lost to post war reconstruction and slum clearance.
Below is an alphabetical list of the 139 men recorded on St Matthew’s War Memorial. Sixty Three of the men on the memorial, were photographed in the local newspapers and I include some of their pictures to help remember them. If you have any further information, please let me know. Thank You. Paul Bishop
Name | Rank | Regiment | Died | Age | Buried | House No: | Address |
ANDERSON, Edward Arthur | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 15th Battalion | 10/09/1918 | 18 | Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery, Nord, France | 19 | Tomlinson Street, Selby Street, Hull |
ANDERSON, John Rodman | Private | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry), 25th Company | 10/11/1916 | 18 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 19 | Tomlinson Street, Selby Street, Hull |
ANDREWS William Richard | Engineman | Royal Naval Reserve, HMT “George Milburn” | 12/07/1917 | 36 | Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire | 9 | Cynthia Grove, Division Road, Hull |
ANNIS, Robert Ernest | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 03/05/1917 | 29 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 7 | Carrington Street, Hull |
ANSELL, William Herbert | Gunner | Royal Garrison Artillery 281st Siege Battery | 09/08/1917 | 30 | Poperinghe Old Military Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 3 | La Trobe, Terrace, Regent Street, Hull |
ARNOLD, George William | Private | Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), 3rd Northumberland Field Ambulance Brigade | 27/06/1917 | 22 | Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension, Pas De Calais, France | 40 | Ebor House, Regent Street, Hull |
ASHLEY, Thomas (Jnr) | Skipper | Royal Naval Reserve, HMT “Margate” | 24/04/1917 | 31 | Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent | 26 | Camden Street, Hull |
ASHLEY, Thomas (Snr) | Ship’s Mate | Merchant Navy, S/T “Cygnus” (Grimsby) | 12/12/1914 | 52 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 56 | Camden Street, Hull |
BATCHELOR, James Arthur | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 27/02/1917 | 27 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 14 | Russell Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
BATTARBEE, Herbert | Signaller | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 24/04/1915 | 20 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 60 | Tadman Street, Hull |
BAXTER, Harold Frederick | Private | North Staffordshire Regiment 2/5th Battalion | 01/10/1917 | 34 | Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France | 6 | Roland Avenue, Arthur Street, Hull |
BAXTER, Percy William | Private | Labour Corps 40th Company | 09/08/1917 | 39 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 44 | Granville Street, Anlaby Road, Hull |
BENNETT, Henry Sidney Norman | Sergeant | South African Infantry Brigade 1st Battalion | 15/10/1919 | 34 | Johannesburg, South Africa | 30 | Bacheler Street, Hull |
BIGGADIKE, Thomas William | Able Seaman | Merchant Navy, S/S “Jaffa” (Hull) | 02/02/1918 | 28 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 3 | Heron Street, Selby Street, Hull |
BIGLEY, John | Private | Canadian Expeditionary Force CEF, 1st Mounted Rifles | 29/09/1918 | 27 | Raillencourt Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France | 41 | Lonsdale Street, Hull |
BLAKEMORE, Albert | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 04/06/1916 | 19 | Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Somme, France | 9 | King’s Cross Close, Bean Street, Hull |
BOYES, Ernest Bedell | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 22/08/1915 | 23 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 63 | Coltman Street, Hull |
BRITTON, John William | Private | Lincolnshire Regiment 10th Battalion (Grimsby Chums) | 28/04/1917 | 33 | Roeux British Cemetery, Pas De Calais, France | 9 | Emmas Terrace, Marmaduke Street, Hull |
BROCKLEHURST, James Francis | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment Machine Gun Section | 13/11/1916 | 21 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 56 | Plane Street, Hull. |
BROOK, William Edward | Private | Royal Fusiliers City of London Regiment 4th Battalion | 24/08/1915 | 18 | Maple Copse Cemetery, Ypres, Belgium | 6 | Athletic Grove, Gordon Street, Hull |
BROWN, Charles Shutwell | Deck Hand | Royal Naval Reserve, HMT “Tenby Castle” | 07/02/1918 | 27 | Lerwick New Cemetery, Shetland Islands, Scotland | 83 | Greek Street, Hawthorne Avenue, Hull |
BROWN, Harold | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 09/08/1915 | 29 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 11 | Boynton Street, Hull |
BUCK, Thomas | Corporal | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 03/05/1917 | 25 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 176 | St Georges Road, Hull |
BUCKTROUT, John Richmond | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 23/04/1918 | 19 | Lille Southern Cemetery, Nord, France | 13 | Linnaeus Street, Hull |
BULSON, Ernest | Private | King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), 2/5th Battalion | 01/04/1918 | 19 | Favreuil British Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 6 | Gordon Street, Hull |
BULSON, Harold | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 1/4th Battalion | 15/09/1916 | 19 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 6 | Gordon Street, Hull |
BUTLER, Ernest William | Shoeing Smith | Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) | 11/05/1916 | 42 | Hull Northern Cemetery, Hull | 12 | Industrial Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
BUTLER, George William | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Sportsmen) | 13/11/1916 | 19 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 7 | Gardener’s Building, Walker Street, Hull |
CARTWRIGHT, Alfred | Private | 3rd East Yorkshire Regiment | 25/02/1917 | 35 | Hull (Hedon Road) Cemetery, East Hull | 33 | Airlie Street, Hull |
CHAPMAN, ERNEST | Private | Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), 49th Field Ambulance | 23/04/1917 | 25 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 348 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
CLARK, Charles Kenneth | Rifleman | London Regiment 1/8th City of London Battalion (Post Office Rifles) | 10/08/1918 | 20 | Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, Somme, France | 13 | Kings Bench Street, Hull |
COOP, Stanley | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 02/07/1916 | 21 | St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France | 26 | Chaucer Street, Westcott Street, Hull |
DAVIE, MM, Frank | 2nd Lieutenant | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Tradesmen) | 02/06/1917 | 27 | Hull Western Cemetery, East Yorkshire | 62 | Sunny Bank, Spring Bank West, Hull |
DIXON, Percival Raymond | Private | Royal Marine Light Infantry, “Portsmouth” Battalion, Royal Naval Division | 13/07/1915 | 21 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 14 | Russell Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
DUNTHORNE, Harold William | Private | Lancashire Fusiliers 1/7th Battalion | 27/03/1918 | 21 | Douchy-Les-Ayette British Cemetery, Pas De Calais, France | 43 | Parrott Street, Hull |
DUNWELL, John William | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 23/04/1917 | 24 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 7 | Holly Grove, Woodcock Street, Hull |
DYMOCK, Charles Proctor | Gunner | Royal Garrison Artillery 214th Siege Battery | 26/07/1917 | 22 | St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, France | 46 | Kings Bench Street, Hull |
DYMOCK, William Duncan | Corporal | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 04/10/1917 | 26 | Tyne Cot Street, Belgium | 9 | Scarborough Terrace, Marmaduke Street, Hull |
ELLIS, Benjamin | Skipper | Merchant Navy, S/T “Expedient” (Hull) | 27/03/1917 | 32 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 44 | Westbourne Street, Hull |
ELLIS, John Thomas | Skipper | Merchant Navy, S/T “Southward Ho” | 27/05/1915 | 29 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 344 | Boulevard, Hull |
ELLIS, Joseph (Jack) | Second Mate | Merchant Navy, S/T “Quair” (Hull) | 03/11/1916 | 30 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 160 | De La Pole Avenue, Hull |
EMERY, Archie Vernon | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 26/08/1916 | 22 | Le Touret, Military Cemetery, Richebourg, France | 31 | Walliker Street, Hull |
EVERETT, John William (Jack) | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 22nd Battalion (3rd Tyneside Scottish) | 10/04/1917 | 33 | Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension, Pas de Calais, France | 72 | Sandringham Street, Hull |
FEATHERSTONE, Frank | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment 10th Battalion (Yorkshire Hussars) | 16/02/1917 | 22 | Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval, France | 4 | Ada’s Avenue, Ena Street, Hull |
FELLOWES, Charles Edward | Chief Steward | Merchant Navy, S/S “Harrogate” | 20/02/1918 | 50 | Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon | 102 | Regent Street, Hull |
FENNER, John Prebble | 2nd Lieutenant | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 08/08/1917 | 22 | Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, Pas de Calais, France | 379 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
FERRABY, Robinson | Lieutenant | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 07/04/1916 | 29 | Wimereux Communal Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 14 | Hamlyn Avenue, Hull |
FOSTER, George Thomas | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 21/06/1917 | 25 | Wancourt British Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 7 | Mars Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
FOX, Robert Michael | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 09/08/1915 | 18 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 15 | Walliker Street, Hull |
FUSSEY, Alfred Ernest | Private | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 9th Battalion | 24/10/1918 | 22 | Pommereuil British Cemetery, Nord, France | 8 | Carlisle Avenue, Albermarle Street, Hull |
GARTON, Ernest William | Private | York And Lancaster Regiment 8th Battalion | 10/10/1916 | 20 | St Sever Military Cemetery, Rouen, France | 1 | Carlisle Avenue, Albermarle Street, Hull |
GOODERHAM, Albert Edward | Private | Royal Garrison Artillery East Riding 3rd | 23/06/1915 | 29 | Hull Western Cemetery, East Yorkshire | 29 | Airlie Street, Hull |
GRAY, Robert William | Gunner | Royal Garrison Artillery 113th Heavy Battery | 20/09/1918 | 36 | Villers-Faucon Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France | 3 | Ada’s Avenue, Ena Street, Hull |
GRAYSON, Francis (Frank) | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 07/08/1915 | 22 | Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France | 37 | Albemarle Street, Hull |
HALEY, Frederick Carl | Third Engineer | Merchant Navy, S/S “Montebello” (Hull) | 21/06/1918 | 29 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 30 | Ena Street. Hull |
HANSON, George Henry | Private | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 2nd Battalion | 19/11/1916 | 25 | Bailleulmont Communal Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 5 | Mars Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
HARPER, Frederick | Gunner | Royal Garrison Artillery, Anti Aircraft Command Depot | 03/09/1918 | 29 | Hull Western Cemetery, East Yorkshire | 60 | Plane Street, Hull. |
HILTON, Maxwell | Private | Tank Corps 7th Battalion A Company | 30/09/1918 | 25 | Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, France | 51 | Kings Bench Street, Hull |
HODGES, Robert | Skipper | Merchant Navy, S/S “Antonio” (London) | 07/03/1917 | 30 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 8 | Buckingham Street, Hull |
HODGSON, William (Billy) | Sapper | Royal Engineers 128th Field Company | 26/10/1915 | 20 | X Farm Cemetery, La Chapelle-D’Armentieres, Nord, France | 15 | Henry Terrace, Wassand Street, Hull |
HORSFALL, MM, Laurence Joseph | Private | Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), 3rd Northumberland Field Ambulance Brigade | 23/09/1918 | 24 | Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille, France | 22 | Kings Bench Street, Hull |
HURST, Charles Ernest | 2nd Lieutenant | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 6th Battalion | 14/09/1916 | 21 | Lonsdale Cemetery, Authuille, Departement de la Somme, Picardie, France | 30 | Coltman Street, Hull |
JENKINS, Christopher | Engineman | Royal Naval Reserve, HMS “Zaria | 22/09/1917 | 41 | Hull Western Cemetery, East Yorkshire | 60 | Flinton Street, Hessle Road, Hull |
JOHNSON, Harold | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Tradesmen) | 16/06/1916 | 25 | St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France | 36 | Albemarle Street, Hull |
JOHNSON, John William | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Tradesmen) | 05/09/1918 | 35 | New Irish Farm Cemetery, Ypres, Belgium | 3 | Crystal Avenue, South Parade, Anlaby Road, Hull |
JOHNSON, Sidney | Private | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 4th Battalion | 26/10/1918 | 18 | Worms (Hochheim Hill), Germany | 36 | Albemarle Street, Hull |
JONES, Maurice James | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 25/05/1915 | 34 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 86 | Wharncliffe Street, Hull |
JORDAN, Alfred George | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 09/08/1915 | 29 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 6 | Johns Square, New George Street, Hull |
KANGAS, John | Private | Labour Corps 8th Company | 29/09/1918 | 24 | Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, West-Vlaaderen, Belgium | 25 | Heron Street, Selby Street, Hull |
KIDBY, C H | Untraced | Not Known | |||||
KING , George Herbert | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers, 1/5th Bn | 26/10/1917 | 28 | Tyne Cot Street, Belgium | 24 | Gordon Street, Hull |
KING, David William | Corporal | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 4th Battalion | 14/02/1917 | 27 | St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, France | 23 | Parrott Street, Hull |
LANGDALE, Frederick William | Private | York And Lancaster Regiment 1/5th (Hallamshire) Battalion | 19/09/1916 | 36 | Contay British Cemetery, Contay, Somme, France | 26 | Cadogan Street, Hull |
LILL, George | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 16/11/1916 | 23 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 35 | Parrott Street, Hull |
LILL, John (Jack) | Trooper | 20th Hussars | 26/06/1915 | 23 | Alexandria (Chatby) Military Cemetery, Egypt | 35 | Parrott Street, Hull |
MARTIN, George William | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Sportsmen) | 27/05/1916 | 19 | Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Somme, France | 14 | Parrott Street, Hull |
MAY, Ernest | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 27/09/1916 | 25 | Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L’Abbe, Somme, France | 199 | Hessle Road, Hull |
McKEE, George Leonard | Lance Corporal | Coldstream Guards 2nd Battalion | 08/10/1915 | 25 | Loos Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 22 | South Street, Paragon Street, Hull |
McNEIL, Albert Henry | Private | Coldstream Guards 1st Battalion | 29/10/1914 | 21 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 18 | Gordon Street, Hull |
MENNELL, Roy Walter | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment, 10th Bn | 02/11/1916 | 19 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 100 | Clarendon Street, Hull |
MITCHELL, Robert | Private | Highland Light Infantry (HLI), 15th Battalion | 15/07/1917 | 21 | Ramscappelle Road Military Cemetery, Belgium | 3 | Norton Grove, Division Road, Hull |
MONDAY, Albert | Private | Royal Marine Light Infantry, “Portsmouth” Battalion, Royal Naval Division | 24/06/1915 | 21 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 11 | Russell Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
MONDAY, John Henry | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 04/06/1916 | 20 | Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Somme, France | 11 | Russell Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
MOODY, Rawson Nelson | Signaller | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 14/10/1918 | 21 | Niederzwehren Cemetery, Kassel, Hessen, Germany | 1 | Elizabeth Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
NEALE, James | Master | Merchant Navy, S/S “Romeo” (Hull) | 03/03/1918 | 48 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 3 | Boulevard, Hull |
NETTLETON, Walter Herbert | Private | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 10/11/1916 | 28 | London Cemetery And Extension, Longueval, Somme, France | 13 | Selby Street, Hull |
NEWLOVE, James William | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Tradesmen) | 03/05/1917 | 22 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 25 | Carrington Street, Hull |
PARKER, Henry | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 24th Battalion (1st Tyneside Irish) | 09/04/1917 | 37 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 7 | Ivydene Villas, Parrott Street, Hull |
PARKINSON, Charles Edward | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 12th Battalion | 30/07/1916 | 30 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 58 | Walliker Street, Hull |
PEA, Alfred | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 16/09/1916 | 23 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 24 | Heron Street, Selby Street, Hull |
PEGG, George Samuel Ward | Able Seaman | Merchant Navy, S/S “Treverbyn” (St Ives) | 24/03/1916 | 18 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 184 | Somerset Street, Hull |
POTTER, Frank | Private | Royal Scot Fusiliers 11th Battalion | 28/05/1918 | 19 | Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension, Pas de Calais, France | 12 | Derwent Avenue, Alfonso Street, Hull |
PROCTOR, Harold Victor | Private | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 2nd Battalion | 09/04/1917 | 31 | Neuville-Vitasse Road Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 359 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
QUEMBY, James Fidell | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment, 1st Bn | 27/06/1918 | 21 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 4 | Westmeath Avenue, Albermarle Street, Hull |
RANSOM, Ernest | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 10th Battalion | 23/08/1917 | 32 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 8 | Park Avenue, Perry Street, Hull |
RANSOM, William George | Private | Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment, 2nd Battalion | 22/04/1917 | 34 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 8 | Park Avenue, Perry Street, Hull |
RAWLINGS, William | Lance Corporal | King’s Royal Riffle Corps, 2nd Battalion | 01/07/1916 | 35 | Maroc British Cemetery, Grenay, France. | 8 | Ivydene Villas, Parrott Street, Hull |
RICHARDSON, George | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Tradesmen) | 20/11/1917 | 20 | Roclincourt Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 25 | Hamlyn Avenue, Hull |
RICHARDSON, William | Private | 1st/1st East Riding Yeomanry | 14/11/1917 | 21 | Gaza War Cemetery, Israel & Palestine (including Gaza) | 55 | Parrott Street, Hull |
ROBINSON, Fred | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 1/7th Pioneers Battalion | 18/09/1918 | 22 | Soissons Memorial, Aisne, France | 7 | Ash Grove, Division Road, Hull |
ROWAN, Walter | Chief Engineer | Merchant Navy, S/S “Dago” (Hull) | 03/10/1915 | 48 | Malta (Capuccini) Naval Cemetery | 113 | Plane Street, Hull. |
SETTERINGTON, John Arthur | Lance Corporal | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 26/09/1916 | 24 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 3 | Laurel Villas, Regent Street, Hull |
SHAW, James Henry | Chief Engineer | Merchant Navy, S/T “Sabrina” (Hull) | 21/05/1915 | 48 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 13 | Carrington Street, Hull |
SMITH, Edward | Engineman | Royal Naval Reserve RNR HMT “Dragon” | 08/12/1916 | 26 | Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent | 17 | Saltburn Street, Hull |
SMITH, George Whitehouse | Battery Sergeant Major | Royal Garrison Artillery 216th Siege Battery | 11/11/1918 | 31 | Premont British Cemetery, Aisne, France | 110 | Bean Street, Hull |
SPIKINS, Maurice Knowles | Lance Corporal | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Sportsmen) | 13/11/1916 | 19 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 7 | Gladstone Street, Anlaby Road, Hull |
STANTON, Arthur | Private | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 22/08/1917 | 36 | Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, Pas de Calais, France | 30 | Parrott Street, Hull |
STEPHENSON, Cyril Rigg | Company Sergeant Major | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 27/05/1918 | 35 | Soissons Memorial, Aisne, France | 194 | Coltman Street, Hull |
STUART, John Charles | Cadet | Royal Garrison Artillery, Cadets School | 12/07/1918 | 34 | Sutton Veny (St John) Churchyard, Wiltshire, UK | 427 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
SWIFT, James Henry | Private | 13th East Yorkshire Regiment | 13/11/1916 | 19 | Queens Cemetery, Puisieux, Pas de Calais, France | 6 | Midgley Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
SWIFT, Thomas Callis | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 8th Battalion | 16/08/1917 | 25 | Tyne Cot Street, Belgium | 6 | Midgley Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
TAYLOR, Albert Ware | Lance Corporal | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 06/08/1916 | 28 | Hull Western Cemetery, East Yorkshire | 112 | Regent Street, Hull |
TAYLOR, George Edward | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment, 10th Battalion | 30/10/1916 | 23 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 64 | St Matthews Street, Hull |
THOMAS, Walter | Corporal | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 27/04/1918 | 25 | Cinq Rues Military Cemetery, Hazebrouck, France | 110 | Day Street, Hull |
THOMPSON, Alwin | Apprentice | Merchant Navy, S/S “Glenmorven” (Leith) | 26/12/1914 | 19 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 22 | Plane Street, Hull. |
TUKE, Alfred | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 09/04/1917 | 24 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 294 | Boulevard, Hull |
WALDBY, Harry | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 22/10/1915 | 18 | Chapelle-D’Armentieres New Military Cemetery, France | 6 | Richmond Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
WALKER, Harold | Trooper | 1st/1st East Riding Yeomanry | 19/06/1918 | 24 | Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 343 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
WALKER, John Cyril | Second Lieutenant | Royal Air Force, 59th Squadron | 18/10/1918 | 18 | Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, France | 343 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
WALKER, Victor | Lieutenant | Gloucestershire Regiment 1/4th Battalion | 04/04/1918 | 24 | Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France | 343 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
WALL, Eric Edward | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 18th, | 17/04/1918 | 20 | Mont Noir Military Cemetery, St. Jans-Cappel, France | 435 | Anlaby Road, Hull |
WALLACE, Henry | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 10th Battalion | 08/05/1917 | 35 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 31 | Airlie Street, Hull |
WALTON, E | Untraced | Not Known | |||||
WARD, Cecil | Private | Lincolnshire Regiment 11th Battalion | 03/05/1917 | 28 | Bully-Grenay Communal Cemetery, Pas De Calais, France | 35 | Cardogan Street, Hull |
WATSON, James Stennett | 2nd Lieutenant | West Riding Regiment 1/4th Battalion | 26/11/1917 | 31 | Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium | 18 | Aylesford Street, Hull |
WATTS, Robert E. | Private | Border Regiment 1/5th Cumberland Battalion | 21/03/1918 | 19 | Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France | 3 | Ann’s Place, Parrott Street, Hull |
WEST, Arthur Ernest | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 04/06/1916 | 21 | Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Somme, France | 6 | King’s Cross Close, Bean Street, Hull |
WEST, Herbert Henry | Battery Sergeant Major | Royal Field Artillery 51st Brigade A Battery | 16/05/1917 | 31 | Feuchy British Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 6 | King’s Cross Close, Bean Street, Hull |
WHITEHEAD, Fred | Trimmer | Royal Naval Reserve, HMS “War Hero” | 06/09/1919 | 37 | Melbourne Hospital, Australia | 24 | Church Street, Drypool, Hull |
WIGHTON, James Albert Fogen | Carpenter | Royal Navy HMS “Good Hope” | 01/11/1914 | 28 | Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire | 3 | Albemarle Street, Hull |
WILES, Tom Edgar | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 12th Battalion | 29/10/1918 | 18 | Giavera British Cemetery, Arcade, Italy | 48 | Perry Street, Hull |
WILLIAMS, Joseph | Signaller | Royal Navy HMS “Cressey” | 22/09/1914 | 31 | Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire | 29 | Redbourne Street, Hull |
WILSON, Mark | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 23/07/1916 | 21 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 13 | Ruskin Street, Hull |
WILSON, Thomas Boden | Leading Seaman | Royal Navy HMS “Excellent” | 23/10/1917 | 24 | Hull Western Cemetery, East Yorkshire | 17 | Walliker Street, Hull |
WINN, Jacob | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 23/04/1917 | 34 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 14 | Rydale Court, Lansdowne Street, Anlaby Road, Hull |
WOOD, William Alfred | Able Seaman | Merchant Navy, S/S “Shipcote” (Newcastle) | 13/11/1915 | 34 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 8 | Middleton Villas, Clyde Street, Hull |
WRIGHT, Clifton | Private | 8th East Yorkshire Regiment | 13/11/1916 | 24 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 83 | Regent Street, Hull |
WROOT, George William | Sergeant | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 15/09/1916 | 39 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 2 | Zion Terrace, Bean Street, Hull |
YOUNG, Leonard | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment (Hull Commercials) | 25/06/1917 | 19 | Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France | 1 | Derwent Avenue, Alfonso Street, Hull |