Ellis, Charles

…Guns reported and took up position in our lines. During the afternoon the enemy were seen massing for attack along our front and right flank as far as VILLERS FAUCON….

Wheeler, Albert

…took part in this melancholy procedure, and the Brigadier put all his signallers and orderlies to the same task. At dusk all enemy activity ceased absolutely, and not a shell…

Plimpton MC & Bar, Robert Albert

…Church: In loving memory of Robert Albert Plimpton, Captain Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Attached to Royal Highlanders, M. C. and Bar, Of Rectory Farm Walkington. Killed in action at Tower…

Brady, Walter

…Battle of Ypres – The Northumbrian Division completed its concentration in the Steenvoorde area on 23 April, and went into action the very next day during the Second Battle of…

Wilson, George

…make a daring night assembly and dawn attack on 13/14 July (the Battle of Bazentin Ridge). The Brigade Intelligence Officer had placed a screen of picquets and scouts out in…

Proby, Patrick George

…a composite battalion under the command of Lt-Col W.T. Wilkinson of 1/4th East Yorkshires.[21] [22] [68] [69] On the morning of 26 March the Germans renewed their attacks, bringing on

Bozman, Ernest Henry

…Ypres – The Northumbrian Division completed its concentration in the Steenvoorde area on 23 April, and went into action the very next day during the Second Battle of Ypres. The…