Hull’s Walker Street war memorial is a grey, marble, obelisk, located outside the Church of Holy Apostles (Thornton Community Hall). It is dedicated to the men of Parish, killed in the First World War. Like most Hull memorials it was initiated by the local church, erected in the early 1920’s and paid for by public subscriptions.
It records 138 surnames with initials, mostly in alphabetical order. Each names is incised in gold lettering. There are no references to rank, regiment or the date that these men died. Like most memorials there are some errors, with misspelt names and incorrect initials. For example, Norrod should read Morrod and Granton is really Grantham. Dasdale, is actually Dosdale, and Elgy is Elgey. In an era of poor literacy, hand writing, and strong accents, names could easily be mis recorded. Men were also listed as how people remembered them. For example, Robert Reed is recorded on the Memorial as B Reed, after his nickname “Bertie”.
The names at the end of memorial are not in alphabetical order, suggesting that these names were added to fill the existing space on the memorial, before its completion.
Fifty Nine of the 138 men, listed on the Walker Street Memorial, served in the East Yorkshire Regiments and 28 of these died, serving with the Hull Pal Battalions. 13 men served with other Yorkshire regiments. There are also 22 sailors, including two Sea captains, 6 Artillery and 2 Cavalry men, listed on the Memorial. All the known men served in the British armed forces, apart from, Harold Coulson, who fought for the Australians. The Highest ranking soldier are four Sergeants, three of which served in the Artillery. Most of the casualties recorded were Privates. There are no Military Officers recorded on the Memorial.
Four of the names on the Memorial are untraced. They include S.T.E Coates, who does not appear in any Commonwealth War Grave or War Pension records. Similarly, C. Richards, and S. Miller, are hard to verify. John Walker Jederin is another man hard to trace. He appears on the memorial with his brother, Andrew Walker Jederin, but has no surviving Service records. Both brothers, lived at 14 Model Dwellings, Midland Street, which still stands today. It is only a guess, but these unidentified men may have been fishermen, discharged servicemen, or Munition workers, killed in accidents. These are often forgotten war casualties. They were obviously well known within the community, for someone, to include them on the memorial.
Every person on the memorial was an individual with their own story and there are many stories to tell. For example, Edward Gohl, of 49, Waverley Street, was the son of a Naturalised German, who ran successful sweet shops, in Hull and Withernsea. The family experienced much anti German feeling during the war despite, Edwards and his siblings all enlisting for Britain.
An unusual casualty on the Walker Street Memorial, is Private, Albert Parry, who was shot for desertion, on 30th August 1917, aged 43. He was a former cotton spinner, living at 11, Empringham Terrace, Daltry Street, with his wife and family. The details of his desertion are unknown, but he was tried and executed and buried at Maple Leaf cemetery, Ypres. Executed soldiers are rarely recorded on war memorials. Another recorded casualty, Private, Charles Arthur Lockton, of 14, William Street, Hull, was discharged from the army, with shell shock and died of insanity, on 13th November 1918, aged 38. Families would have fought hard against social stigma, to include these names on the local war memorial and thanks to their efforts, we can tell their stories today.
The first Walker Street Casualty was Henry Bricklebank, killed on the 28th October 1914, aged 19. The last Casualty was Walter Richards, aged 45, killed on the 14th December 1919, when his ship, the “Isle of Man”, hit a stray mine and was lost with all hands. Again a reminder, that sailor casualties continued long after the war ended. The Memorial includes the three Perry brothers, from 81 Hessle Road. There are also two Bricklebank brothers, two Scaifes, and two Snowden brothers, recorded on the war memorial. The three Wemyss names recorded, are a father and his two sons. Another father and son lost – were Alfred Brett (aged 57) and his son John (aged 39).
Most of the casualties occurred between the 30th May 1916 and 31st December 1917. William Hare was killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, four men died on 13th November 1916, when the Hull Pals attacked Serre, on the Somme. Two other “Hull Pals” died at Oppy Wood, Arras, on 3rd May 1917 and are also recorded on this memorial. The men are commemorated at more than 70 cemeteries, worldwide, including Malta, Greece, Germany, and Turkey. Nine men are buried in Hull. Most men are commemorated in France and Belgium. At least 63 men have no known grave.
The youngest casualty, was William King, 12th East Yorkshire Regiment, who died of wounds, in Hull, on 12th July 1916, aged 17. The eldest casualty, was William Wemyss, aged 62. He was Master, of the Merchant vessel, “Nimrod”, lost at sea, on 18th December 1917. The average age of those killed was 26 years old. Eighteen of the men recorded on the memorial were teenagers.
Four men were awarded the Military Medal for bravery (Not shown on the Memorial). They were James Dobbs, John Dobson, Tom Hall and George Oakes.
The Walker Street area was badly bombed during WW2 and many of the original streets, where replaced by Council housing in the 1960’s. However, the war memorial survived, leaving Walker Street, as probably the only Council estate in the country, with its own WW1 memorial. The memorial stands today, as a constant reminder, to when this area was once a historic part of Hull, a time, when Hull was expanding westwards away from the crowded city centre. It was then a largely poor, over crowded area, built on reclaimed marsh land, where new arrivals to Hull, first settled. It was a bustling, noisy, smelly, vibrant place, packed with terraced housing, factories, busy shops and pubs. There were Churches, Chapels, Convents, Synagogues, Schools, Tanneries, Oil Mills and breweries surrounding Walker Street back then. Despite the many hardships, there existed a community that was organised and motivated enough, to build a memorial, that would forever, remember its sacrifice during the First World War.
Although the layout of the area is different, the slum clearance and post war reconstruction, retained many original street names, like Great Thornton Street, Porter Street, Adelaide Street, Pease Street, Luke Street, and New Michael Street. Other places, like Jane Street, Day Street, Goodwin Street, Wakefield Street, Villa Place and Staniforth Place have disappeared from memory. Other developments like the building of the A63 (Clive Sullivan Way), in the 1980’s, also changed the area. This major road effectively dissected the parish, into two and separated the war memorial, from the Streets, south of Hessle Road, where many of the men lived and worked. These included, James Street, English Street, Edgar Street, and Waverley Street, which still remain in name, but have been largely cleared of homes. There still exists some original terraced housing from the First World War, on Midland Street and Osborne Street. Other old brick buildings, including pubs, like the Darley Arms, on William Street, the Vauxhall Tavern and the Alexandra Hotel, on Roper Street, also give clues to what this area might have looked like, when these men were called to war. The area was bombed by Zepplins in 1915. It also suffered many casualties in the First World War. For example, Adelaide Street, lost 46 men in the war, Porter Street, 36; Osborne Street, 23; Great Thornton Street, 21; Goodwin Street, 20; English Street, 22; St Luke’s Street, 15; Pease Street, 11; Linnaeus Street, 14 men and Convent Lane, 10 men in the war.
There are many names not included on the Walker Street Memorial which should be. Walker Street alone lost 69 men in the war, but only a handful of these appear on this memorial. There maybe good reasons for this. People moved away from the area when the war memorial was compiled. Others left no relatives to remember them. Some perhaps, were commemorated on other church memorials within the area. For example, St Thomas Church, on Campbell Street, was the first Church to erect a war memorial during the First World War. Their memorial “Roll of Honour”, was dedicated on 14th November, 1915 and was probably the first Church in Britain, to start the idea of a war memorial. Similarly, Thornton Hall on Great Thornton Street and St James’, on Edgar Street, were magnificent Churches, that each had their own WW1 Memorials. Sadly, these churches were bombed during WW2 and their memorials were lost forever.
Many men were also remembered on the numerous “Street Shrines”, in the Walker Street area. May Terrace, Walker Street, unveiled the first Street Shrine, recording the names of local men serving abroad. Many streets in Hull, copied the idea and erected their own “Street Shrines and Rolls of Honour.”
The Hull Daily Mail records, that, “Walker Street to Tadman Street, possessed 30 to 40 shrines – canopied with flags, from end to end and scarcely a house, is not gaily dressed with bunting and displaying portraits of the King, Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener, with Admirals and Generals, of Britain and her Allies. Even the Terrace yards and squares, where the poor families dwell, were a brilliant mass of paper flowers and patriotic mottoes, while every window displayed the photo, either of soldiers, blue jackets, or minesweepers, who have left that house to fight for their country.” It continues, “The remembrance of these (Shrines), filled the hearts of many women who crowded before the shrine and moved them to tears.” (Hull Daily Mail, 25/09/1916)
Hopefully, all the men that should have been on the Walker Street War Memorial where remembered elsewhere on these many Street Shrines. (See – https://ww1hull.com/hull-street-shrines/
Below is a full list of men commemorated on Hull’s Walker Street Memorial. There are also some photographs of the men that died, to remember them.
For a Then and Now Street map of Walker Street, Hull to see how much the area has changed see this link:- https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=18.2&lat=53.74022&lon=-0.35159&layers=168&b=1&o=100

Name | Rank | Regiment | Died | Age | Buried | Address |
Abbott, P Herbert | 2nd Engineer | S/T “Sabrina” (Hull) | 21/05/1915 | 22 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 47, Witty Street, Hull |
Adamson, William Edwin | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 02/07/1916 | 21 | Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 45, Leonard Street, Hull |
Ainley, P Charles Ernest | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire regiment | 01/05/1915 | 18 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 55, Cogan Street, Hull |
Anderson, James Harold | Sgt | Coldstream Guards | 27/06/1917 | 23 | Mendinghem Military Cemetery, Belgium | 24, Commerce Lane, Hessle Road, Hull |
Annis, William George Boon | Corporal | 1st Northumberland Fusiliers | 13/04/1917 | 23 | Arras Memorial, France | 3, Gillett Street, Hessle Road, Hull |
Appleyard, J Ernest | Private | 8th East Yorkshire Regiment | 03/05/1917 | 23 | Arras Memorial, France | 37, Canning Street, Hull |
Arnott, George | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 09/11/1917 | 24 | Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, France | 21, Edward Street, Hull |
Atkin, Fred | Private | Durham Light Infantry 1/5th Bn | 29/05/1918 | 20 | Hermonville Military Cemetery, Marne, France | 7, Albert’s Place, Walker Street |
Bannister, Raymond | Lance Corporal | Lincolnshire Regiment, 1st | 11/04/1917 | 20 | Cojeul British Cemetery, France | Not Known |
Barton, Walter | Private | Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment 2/5th Battalion | 13/09/1918 | 18 | Vis-En-Artois Memorial, France | 28, Daltry Street, Hull |
Bell. Edward | Gunner | Royal Garrison Artillery, 142nd Brigade | 23/05/1917 | 23 | Lievin Communal Cemetery Extension, Pas de Calais, France | 4, Jackson Street, Hessle Road, Hull |
Bellamy, Charles | Lance Corporal | King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment 2nd Battalion | 15/12/1914 | 28 | Malta Naval Cemetery | 148, Porter Street, Hull |
Benson, John Edward | Private | Royal Scot Fusiliers 13th Battalion | 28/03/1918 | 20 | Arras Memorial, France | 38, Tadman Street, Hull |
Biggs, Frederick | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 10/09/1918 | 19 | Niederzwehren Cemetery, Kassel, Hessen, Germany | 85, English Street, Hull |
Brett, Alfred | Skipper | S/S “Rievaulx Abbey” | 08/06/1915 | 57 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 9, Berkerley Terrace, Walker Street, Hull |
Brett, John | Private | 8th East Yorkshire Regiment | 14/06/1917 | 39 | Monchy British Cemetery, Monchy-Le-Preux, France | 8, Ropery Street, Hull |
Bricklebank, George | Private | Suffolk Regiment 8th Battalion | 26/09/1916 | 22 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 48, Ropery Street, Hull |
Bricklebank, Henry | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 28/10/1914 | 19 | Ploegsteert Memorial, Hainaut, Belgium | 48, Ropery Street, Hull |
Brown, Herbert | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 22/03/1918 | 23 | Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France | 5, Edgar Street, Hull |
Brown, Joseph | Private | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 24/11/1915 | 32 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 90, Clifton Terrace, Goodwin Street, Hull |
Capes, Thomas | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 20th Battalion (1st Tyneside Scottish) | 09/04/1917 | 27 | Bailleul Road East Cemetery, St. Laurent-Blangy, France | 136, St Georges Road, Hull |
Clark, Charles | Private | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 27/10/1918 | 39 | Poix-Du-Nord Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France | 9, Deighton Terrace, Porter Street, Hull |
Clarke, Romeo | Stoker | Royal Naval Reserve RNR HM Drifter “Hastpen” | 24/09/1917 | 42 | Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire | 7, Hope Terrace, Walker Street |
Coates, STE | Untraced | Not Known | ||||
Cockett, Frederick | Private | Scots Guards 1st Battalion | 29/10/1914 | 27 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 85, Waverley Street, Hull |
Cook, James | Able Seaman | Royal Navy HMS “Vanguard” | 09/07/1917 | 18 | Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent | 48, Tadman Street |
Cooke, John Thomas | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 03/05/1917 | 33 | Arras Memorial, France | 7, Bickerton Buildings, William Street, Hull |
Coopland, John Henry | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 04/02/1916 | 33 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 5, Francis Place, Waverley Street, Hull |
Corner, Ernest | Private | 13th East Yorkshire Regiment | 06/08/1916 | 21 | St. Vaast Post Military Cemetery, Richebourg-L’Avoue, France | 10, Alfred Terrace, Daltry Street, Hull |
Coulson, Albert Edward | Sergeant | Royal Garrison Artillery 96th Seige Battery | 23/07/1917 | 31 | Loos Memorial, France | 27, Walker Street, Hull |
Coulson, Harold | Private | Australian Imperial Force 59th Battalion | 04/07/1918 | 21 | Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L’Abbe, Somme, France | 24, Alfred Street, Hull |
Coultas, Edward | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 04/10/1917 | 21 | Tyne Cot Memorial, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 47, Edgar Street, Hull |
Cullum, Laurence | Private | 13th East Yorkshire Regiment | 13/11/1916 | 18 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 7, Walker Street, Hull |
Cullum, William | Corporal | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 12/04/1918 | 26 | Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul, France | 2, Buxton Terrace, Daltry Street, Hull |
Davison, John William | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 09/08/1915 | 23 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 41, Edgar Street, Hull |
Denison, James William | Driver | Royal Field Artillery 237th Brigade, A Battery | 21/09/1916 | 28 | Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France | 325, Boulevard, Hull |
Dobbs MM, James Appleyard | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 02/08/1916 | 21 | Le Touret Military Cemetery, Richebourg-L’Avoue, France | 39, Waverley Street, Hull |
Dobson MM, John Edward | Fireman | Royal Field Artillery Ship “Hughli” (London) | 26/04/1919 | 27 | Ooutende New Communal cemetery, Belgium | 4, Alfred Terrace, Daltry Street, Hull |
Dommett, William | Deckhand | Royal Naval Reserve RNR HMS “Actaeon” | 13/06/1915 | 28 | St. Mary the Virgin Churchyard, Prestwich, Manchester, | 6, Moorhead Buildings, Waverley Street, Hull |
Dosdale, Wilfred | Private | 1st/1st East Riding Yeomanry | 15/04/1917 | 23 | Mikra Memorial, Kalamaria, Greece | 4, Commericial Buildings, Waverley Street, Hull |
Drewery, Harry | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 12/09/1917 | 21 | Heninel Communal Cemetery Extension, France | 3, Faith’s Trrace, Walker Street, Hull |
Duncan, Donald | Lance Corporal | 13th East Yorkshire Regiment | 13/11/1916 | 21 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 9, Wilberforce Street, Anlaby Road, Hull |
Dunlin, Tom | Private | Oxford Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 7th Battalion | 09/05/1917 | 22 | Salonika (Lembet Road) Military Cemetery, Greece | 6, Providence Place, Porter Street, Hull |
Elgey, Joseph William | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 09/04/1917 | 20 | Heninel-Croisilles Road Cemetery, France | 90, English Street, Hull |
Elsworth, Thomas William | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 19th Battalion | 01/11/1918 | 19 | Kezelberg Military Cemetery, Belgium | 1, Waverley Place, Waverley Street, Hull |
Emery, John | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 21/08/1915 | 24 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 5, Mechanic Lane, Edgar Street, Hull |
Featherstone, Frank | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment 10th Battalion | 16/02/1917 | 22 | Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval, France | 4, Ada’s Terrace, Ena Street, Hull |
Forster, Joseph | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 14/02/1916 | 26 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 8, Mechanic Lane, Edgar Street, Hull |
Gale, Herbert | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 30/05/1916 | 22 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 9, Daltry Street, Hull |
Gilbert, Harry | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment 10th Battalion | 23/04/1917 | 26 | Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, France | 54, Edgar Street, Hull |
Gohl, Edward John | Sergeant | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 23/12/1916 | 27 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 49, Waverley Street, Hull |
Grantham, James Alfred | Deckhand | Royal Naval Reserve RNR HMT “Era” | 11/07/1916 | 24 | sea | 41, St James Street, Hull |
Gray, Ernest William | Private | Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1/7th Battalion | 28/08/1916 | 22 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 4, Albert Avenue, Wellsted Street, Hull |
Green, Edward | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment | 16/08/1916 | 34 | Le Touret Military Cemetery, Richebourg-L’Avoue, France | 4, Eliza Place, Walker Street, Hull |
Griffin, William | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 20/12/1915 | 29 | Houplines Communal Cemetery, France | 31, Sykes Street, Worship Street, Hull |
Hall MM, Tom | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 20th Battalion (1st Tyneside Scottish) | 09/04/1917 | 22 | Roclincourt Valley Cemetery, Pas De Calais, France | 81, English Street, Hull |
Hare, William | Lance Corporal | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 01/07/1916 | 29 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 206, Bean Street, Hull |
Harmer, William Ernest | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 17th, Bn | 05/05/1916 | 23 | Hull Western Cemetery | 80, Edgar Street, Hull |
Harper, William Herbert | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment | 13/11/1916 | 30 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 4, Beech Grove, Westbourne Street, Hull |
Harrow, James | 2nd Officer | MM S/S “Agnete” (London) | 24/04/1918 | 26 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 3, Summers Place, Waverley Street, Hull |
Harvey, Jonathan (Jack) | Lance Corporal | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 25/09/1916 | 25 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 148, Regent Street, Hull |
Hill, Arthur | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 15/08/1918 | 24 | Le Grand Hasard Military Cemetery, Morbecque, France | 2, Wakefield Street, Cogan Street |
Hill, Ernest | Articifer Engineer | Royal Navy HMS “Ceres” | 13/04/1918 | 36 | Hull Western Cemetery | Not Known |
Hill, James Alfred | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion | 03/10/1918 | 26 | Unicorn Cemetery, Vendhuile, Aisne, France | 18, Daltry Street, Hull |
Holmes, Charles William | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion | 31/03/1918 | 28 | Mons (Bergen) Communal Cemetery, Hainaut, Belgium | 9, Staves Buildings, Porter Street, Hull |
Holmes, Frank | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment | 06/03/1919 | 33 | Hull Western Cemetery | 9, Malvern Terrace, Gillett Street, Hull |
Holmes, Walter | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 2nd Battalion | 01/11/1918 | 19 | Premont British Cemetery, Aisne, France | 82, Greek Street, Hull |
Hudson, John William | Private | Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment 2/5th Battalion | 21/11/1917 | 37 | Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, Nord, France | 4, Victoria Place, Waverley Street, Hull |
Hulse, Frederick | Bosun | MM S/T “Titania” (Hull) | 11/05/1915 | 41 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 20, Parrott Street, Hull |
Jack, Sidney Johnson | Bombardier | Royal Field Artillery 3rd Brigade Northumbrian Division | 01/01/1919 | 26 | Hull Western Cemetery | 38, James Street, Hull |
Jederin, John Walker | Untraced | 14, Model Buildings, Midland Street, Hull | ||||
Jerderin, Andrew Walker | Private | King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), 1st Battalion | 30/09/1915 | 26 | Loos Memorial, France | 14, Model Buildings, Midland Street, Hull |
Johnson, Frank | Private | Border Regiment 1/5th Cumberland Battalion | 03/10/1916 | 22 | Hedon Road Cemetery, Hull | 82, Great Thornton Street, Hull |
Johnson, John William | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 05/09/1918 | 35 | New Irish Farm Cemetery, Belgium | 3, Crystal Avenue, South Parade, Hull |
Johnson MM, Alfred William | Private | Coldstream Guards 1st Battalion | 08/11/1918 | 27 | La Longueville Communal Cemetery, Nord, France | 3, English Street, Hull |
Johnson, Thomas Arthur | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 04/05/1917 | 19 | Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension, Pas de Calais, France | 4, Constable Buildings, English Street, Hull |
Johnson, Victor H | Fireman | MM S/S “Princess Dagmar” | 07/05/1918 | 38 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 5, Pease Place, Pease Street, Hull |
Kelsey, Thomas Benjamin | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 22/04/1917 | 29 | Arras Memorial, France | 4, Elizabeth place, English Street, Hull |
King, William | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment | 12/07/1916 | 17 | Hull Western Cemetery | 2, Adelaide Terrace, Scott Street, Hull |
Langdale, James William | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 03/09/1916 | 29 | Hull Western Cemetery | 11, Minerva Terrace, Wassand Street, Hull |
Lazenby, Edward | Deckhand | Royal Navy HMS “Colleen” | 30/10/1916 | 20 | Londonderry City Cemetery, Belfast, Northern Ireland | 5, Pretoria Avenue, Flinton Street, Hull |
Lockton, Charles Arthur | Private | Northumberland Fusiliers 17th, | 13/11/1918 | 38 | Hull Western Cemetery | 14, William Street, Hull |
Lyall, John Jackson | Lance Corporal | King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), 2nd Battalion | 12/02/1917 | 20 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | Not Known |
Mansfield, George Edward | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 10th Battalion | 26/09/1917 | 27 | Messines Ridge British Cemetery, Belgium | 7, Wakfield Street, Hull |
Mellors, Thomas | Private | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 11/11/1917 | 22 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 9, Ellens Terrace, Jackson Street, Hull |
Miller, S | Untraced | Not Known | ||||
Mills, Frederick Nathan | Chief Engineer | MM S/T “Condor” (Scarborough) | 29/05/1915 | 38 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 9, English Street, Hull |
Moisley, John | Private | Manchester Regiment 1/7th Battalion | 04/06/1915 | 18 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | Not Known |
Moore, Richard | Gunner | Royal Field Artillery 168th Brigade B Battery | 06/09/1918 | 22 | Vadencourt Britsih Cemetery, Maissemy, Aisne, France | 16, Pheasant Place, Neptune Street, Hull |
Morrod, John James | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 09/08/1915 | 20 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 3, Barrel Court, Edgar Street, Hull |
Mulvy, Charlie | Private | Border Regiment 1/5th Cumberland Battalion | 16/09/1916 | 19 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 9, William Place, St James Street, Hull |
Nichol, Thomas | Ordinary Seaman | Royal Navy HMS “Vindictive” | 28/06/1917 | 19 | Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire | 90, English Street, Hull |
Oakes MM, George | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 27/03/1918 | 25 | Arras Memorial, France | Portland Arms Pub, 123, Porter Street, Hull |
Palmer, Walter | Private | 13th East Yorkshire Regiment | 08/05/1917 | 19 | Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, France | 77, Waverley Street, Hull |
Parker, Alfred Ernest | Gunner | Royal Field Artillery 165th Brigade C Battery | 15/04/1918 | 24 | St. Amand British Cemetery, Pas De Calais, France | 38, Waverley Street, Hull |
Parry, Albert | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment) 2nd Battalion | 30/08/1917 | 43 | Maple Leaf Cemetery, Ypres, Belgium (Row K.4) | 11, Empringham Terrace, Daltry Street, Hull |
Perry, Arthur William | Stoker | Royal Navy HMS “Fury” | 26/12/1918 | 24 | Hull Western Cemetery | 81, Hessle Road, Hull |
Perry, Harold James | Private | Middlesex Regiment 19th Battalion | 07/10/1918 | 19 | Hooge Crater Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 81, Hessle Road, Hull |
Perry, John Thomas | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 06/09/1916 | 24 | Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery extension, Somme, France | 81, Hessle Road, Hull |
Petty, James William | Lance Corporal | West Yorkshire Regiment) 17th Battalion | 31/08/1917 | 25 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 14, James Street, Hull |
Pinder, Robert | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 26/02/1916 | 32 | Railway Dugouts Burial Ground (Transport Farm), Belgium | 4, Mechanic Lane, Edgar Street, Hull |
Potter, David | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment) 1st Battalion | 29/10/1914 | 32 | Ploegsteert Memorial, Hainaut, Belgium | 33, Discount Court, James Street, Hull |
Reed, Robert (Bertie) | Sergeant | Royal Field Artillery 251st Brigade, A Battery | 13/11/1918 | 28 | Premont British Cemetery, Aisne, France | 8, Constable Buildings, English Street, Hull |
Richards, C | Untraced | Not Known | ||||
Richards, Walter | 2nd Hand | MM S/T “Isle of Man” (Hull) | 14/12/1919 | 45 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 6, Percy Street, Hull |
Riches, William | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment | 27/05/1916 | 33 | Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France | English Street, Hull |
Robinson, Herbert William | Sergeant | Royal Fusiliers City of London Regiment 2nd Battalion | 04/06/1918 | 24 | Cinq Rues British Cemetery, Hazebrouck, France | 16, Charterhouse Lane, Hull |
Robinson, Richard William | Private | 13th East Yorkshire Regiment | 13/11/1916 | 23 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 3, Alfred Terrace, Daltry Street, Hull |
Sargarson, William | Fireman | MM S/S “Rievaulx Abbey” | 03/09/1916 | 48 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 12, Maple Avenue, Convent Lane, Hull |
Saxby, Thomas | Private | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 20/04/1917 | 32 | Feuchy Chapel British Cemetery, Wancourt, France | 9, Providence Place, Porter Street, Hull |
Scaife, Robert Henry | Private | West Yorkshire Regiment) 1st Battalion | 23/11/1914 | 27 | La Ville-Aux-Bois British Cemetery, Aisne, France | 12, Hope Terrace, Walker Street, Hull |
Scaife, William | Private | 2nd East Yorkshire Regiment | 27/02/1915 | 19 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | 12, Hope Terrace, Walker Street, Hull |
Shann, Harry | Private | 8th East Yorkshire Regiment | 14/07/1916 | 34 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 8, Isabella Terrace, Constable Street, Hull |
Shaw, George William | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 15/09/1916 | 20 | Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont, Somme, France | 40, Edgar Street, Hull |
Shirecliffe, John William | Private | 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queens Bays) | 13/05/1915 | 28 | Ypres (Menin Gate), Belgium | Not Known |
Skinn, Charles | Private | 1st East Yorkshire Regiment | 09/04/1917 | 20 | Arras Memorial, France | 1, Johnson’s Place, Porter Street, Hull |
Smedley, Charles Edward | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 09/08/1915 | 19 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 5, First Avenue, Campbell Street, Hull |
Smith, James Heseltine | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 08/09/1918 | 25 | Pont-D’achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe, France | 2, Britannia Place, Porter Street, Hull |
Smith, John Richard | Private | 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment | 12/07/1916 | 22 | La Laiterie Military Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 9, William’s Place, Osborne Street, Hull |
Snowden, Fred | Private | 13th East Yorkshire Regiment | 13/11/1916 | 22 | Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 45, Walker Street, Hull |
Snowden, Herbert | Private | 6th East Yorkshire Regiment Pioneers | 22/08/1915 | 22 | Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey | 45, Walker Street, Hull |
Spaven, Arthur | Private | Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment 1/4th Battalion | 14/04/1918 | 28 | Tyne Cot Memorial, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 16, Beech Avenue, Convent Lane, Hull |
Squires, John William | Lance Corporal | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 7th Battalion | 03/09/1917 | 23 | Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, Pas de Calais, France | 6, Gibson’s Buildings, Waverley Street, Hull |
St Ruth, Paul David Victor | Corporal | Royal Army Service Corps (RASC), 50th Training Division 4th Company | 30/03/1918 | 26 | Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, Somme, France | 4, Granville Terrace, Manchester Street, Hull |
Stothard, Percy | Corporal | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 08/09/1918 | 29 | Ploegsteert Memorial, Hainaut, Belgium | 20, Sister’s Terrace, Tadman Street, Hull |
Taylor, Henry | Lance Corporal | 7th East Yorkshire Regiment | 05/11/1916 | 25 | Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France | 10, Staids Building, Porter Street, Hull |
Tipple, Herbert | Private | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry), 182nd Company | 19/07/1916 | 28 | Cabaret-Rouge British Cemetery, Souchez, France | 96, English Street, Hull |
Tuton, George | Private | Durham Light Infantry DLI 18th Battalion | 12/04/1918 | 20 | Ploegsteert Memorial, Hainaut, Belgium | 51, Madeley Street, Hessle Road, Hull |
Waddingham, George | Private | 10th East Yorkshire Regiment | 28/10/1918 | 19 | Harlebeke New British Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 15, Wakefield Street, Hull |
Webley, James | Able Seaman | Royal Navy HMS “Gaillardia” | 22/03/1918 | 21 | Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent | Not Known |
Wemyss, George | Private | 11th East Yorkshire Regiment | 04/08/1916 | 22 | Bethune Town Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France | 78, English Street, Hull |
Wemyss, Leonard | Corporal | Yorkshire Regiment, (“Green Howards”), 2nd Battalion | 09/04/1917 | 21 | Arras Memorial, France | 78, English Street, Hull |
Wemyss, William | Master | MM S/S “Nimrod” | 18/12/1917 | 62 | Les Baraques Military Cemetery, Sangatte, France | 78, English Street, Hull |
West, John | Third Hand | MM S/T “Halcyon” (Grimsby) | 19/02/1917 | 38 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 7, Walter’s Terrace, Brighton Street, Hull. |
White, William Charles Matthew | Engineman | Royal Naval Reserve RNR HMT “Speeton” | 31/12/1915 | 26 | Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent | 91, Cumberland Street, Hull |
White, Leonard | Private | 12th East Yorkshire Regiment | 27/05/1916 | 36 | Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France | 8, Hessle Place, Porter Street, Hull |
Wilson,Frederick William | Private | Lincolnshire Regiment 6th Battalion | 22/08/1917 | 27 | Tyne Cot Memorial, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium | 154, English Street, Hull |
Wright, Thomas Sherburn | 2nd Engineer | MM S/T “Celia” (Hull) | 08/01/1915 | 21 | Tower Hill Naval Memorial, London | 6, Edgar Street, Hull |
Wysthoff, William Andrew | Engineman | Royal Naval Reserve RNR HMT “Lucknow” | 18/05/1917 | 32 | Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent | 2, Johnsons Place, Porter Street, Hull |

Hull Daily Mail 10 June 1915