WW1 Glossary
There are 42 names in this directory beginning with the letter C.
CB Confinement to Barracks (punishment) and Counter-Battery
CBSO Counter-Battery Staff Officer
CC Confined to Camp (punishment)
CCCC Cape Colony Cyclist Corps
CCD Commander of Coast Defences
CCRA Corps Commander Royal Artillery
CCS Casualty Clearing Station
CDGCroix De Guerre. (French Gallantry Medal)
CDS Corps Dressing Station
CEFCanadian Expeditionary Force
CEPC Chief Engineer Port Construction
CF Chaplain to the Forces
CFC Canadian Forestry Commission
CGS Chief of General Staff
CHA Commander Heavy Artillery
CHDAVC Convalescent Horse Depot Army Veterinary Corps
CID Committee of Imperial Defence
CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff
CLLE Charger-Loading Lee-Enfield rifle
CLLM Charger-Loading Lee-Metford rifle
CLRO Corps Light Railway Officer
CME Chief Mechanical Engineer
CMO Court-Martial Officer
CMP Corps of Military Police
CO Commanding Officer, Conscientious Objector
COO Chief Ordnance Officer
CP Censorship & Publicity
CQMSCompany Quartermaster Sergeant
CRA Commanding Royal Artillery
CRCE Chief Railway Construction Engineer
CRE Commanding Royal Engineers
CSIC Cadet School Infantry Company
CSMCompany Sergeant Major
CVBC Cape Volunteer Bearer Corps
CWGCCommonwealth War Graves Commission